Wasatch Front / Northern Utah WLS Group

Brand new group for Utah's Wasatch front and its Northern area weight loss surgery folks. This group is what we make of it. Join. Contribute. Enjoy!Bring your troubles, and trade them for information, support, and feel-good warm fuzzies. Keeping it positive and uplifting is what success is made of. We're all in this together!
General Information
Location: , Group Created: Jan 7, 2012Members: 912 Years Ago | |
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13 Years Ago |
Yay! You made it!
January 6, 2012 10:04 pm
January 6, 2012 10:04 pm
Welcome to the Wasatch Front / Northern Utah WLS online support group at OH (www.obesityhelp.com)
Jump right in, the temperature's fine! You can start adding content of all kinds, and make yoursel...
Be the first to leave a comment.Jump right in, the temperature's fine! You can start adding content of all kinds, and make yoursel...