on a waiting list for the Lap Band


Welcome this group is starting for people who are waiting to get the Lap Band procedure and support each other and share information about there journey with us for help. If there are any that has already had it and would like to go through the steps of the process for us it will be greatly appreciated.

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Apr 10, 2011
Members: 3
13 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
waiting - my name is Shelley Yawn I created this group in effort to help me and ppj like me,  to get knowledge of each and every step of the procedure and support each others journey b/c I k...

April 9, 2011 9:26 pm
my name is Shelley Yawn I created this group in effort to help me and ppj like me,  to get knowledge of each and every step of the procedure and support each others journey b/c I know this is going to...
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