VSG Maintenance Group
4 Hours Ago
119 Still seems weird that it is March already. Yesterday I was terrible at golf again. My practice session on Friday was great but I was making all my old mistakes yesterday. Especially at the end after we ended up having to wait 5-10 | |
1 Day Ago
119.2 for the 3rd day in a row Yesterday was a beautiful beach day and we also had a great dinner at the Beach Club last night. We are in a stretch of good weather as is usually the case once we get into March. To answer DD's question from yest | |
2 Days Ago
119.2 First day of March. The time change is next weekend and spring starts in 3 weeks. Though it really doesn't start in Massachusetts at that point. There is usually some hairy weather to come in late March/early April. DD doesn't hav | |
3 Days Ago
119.2 - official weight for the week I spoke with DD again last night. She does want to go the OR route but the scheduling might mean that I cannot go. She said I didn't have to but then asked if I would be available by phone in case something | |
4 Days Ago
119.4 Worried about my daughter today - she said the biopsy was quite painful last week so is dreading it even more since she knows what is involved. Brings back memories of the horrific procedures eldest DD had to endure. It will be at least 5 | |
5 Days Ago
119.6 No bowling yesterday as it was sunny and beautiful. We went to the Beach Club instead. I called Social Security to make sure the timing was set properly and find out the amount that I will be changing to after my 70th birthday. I | |
6 Days Ago
119.6 Water Aerobics was cancelled yesterday and there was a lot of rain at times but it was dry for about 2-3 hours in the middle of day so Justice was able to get his long walk. He hates pouring rain even if he is inside (he shakes while it c | |
1 Week Ago
119.2 Yesterday's golf with DH was good but slow. They allow golfers to walk the course (no cart) after 3 on weekends and it got all backed up. We combined the last few holes with the guy behind us. The holes are really far apart so it | |
1 Week Ago
119.2 I did login to X to see if I could get the full-text of what Musk said but there are so many posts I don't know how to find it. How can anyone be productive at anything if they are constantly posting on social media??? I guess I have been | |
1 Week Ago
119.2 - I wonder why my skeletal muscle mass is so high? Seems more than I would expect since DH's is essentially the same. I do have good core strength but I feel like the muscles in my arms and legs need work. I do sink like a stone in the pool thoug |