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I am enjoying a no school President's Day holiday.
Liz, I don't think you are being sensitive at all. My feelings would be hurt, too. I can be highly competitive and critical myself, but being a teacher has tempered how I critique adults. Mike had a great opportunity to turn his observation in to a confidence building exercise. But it is what it is. He's a gem, and you know it, but we all have our little foibles.
Paula, my heart goes out to both you and DC1. Mental health issues are exhausting to navigate for all concerned. I know with my BFF, I sometimes want to scream, "Just stop it! Snap out of it!" But, I know that would only make it worse for him and would be counter productive because people who are depressed can't "snap out of it!", so I listen and offer support and sometimes for my own sanity I step back a little. I understand DH's jealousy that you don't have to trudge to work. I am the ONLY one in my circle who still works! I know how he feels!
DD, hope you are enjoying the Florida sunshine! I like your tanning technique. I look tan and outdoorsy and healthy like Liz now all year long. I have taken up the George Hamilton style of being tan all year long. I don't care what people think. Yup, I use a tanning bed and I like it! LOL! Every once in a while someone will comment with a judgmental, "Wow, you sure are tan for January!" I smile and say, ABSOLUTELY!
CC, how's dad's recovery going?
Ann, check out this scale: Hume Health Scale It's supposed to be one of the better scales on the market. I've thought about getting one once I'm done with the DEXA Scan process.
Hmmm... me, I'm truly in a transition phase. I can feel everything is in flux. I'm guessing that this is not abnormal with coming retirement. I am not a fan of the unsettled feelings. I am literally questioning everything lately - even my dedication to the dogs and showing... I am trying to quell my instinct to fix the unsettled feelings and just go with them, but it is hard to override a lifetime of dysfunctional emotion stifling.
The 30 units of new medicine seemed to have caused an acclimation effect. I had some intense gut issues on Saturday - the don't eat any more nausea feeling after eating a few bites, tummy grumbling and then a short lived bout of diarrhea. Sunday was much better, but I did have some nausea at the end of eating my breakfast (Quest bar, 60 calorie Dannon light and fit yogurt, and apple). The nausea hit while eating the apple.
As far as weight goes, I'm holding steady at 213. Some days a little above. Some days a little below. As my life feels unsettled I am finding emotional eating behaviors to be on the rise. At least I am aware of what's going on. Makes it easier to make decisions as the cravings and impulses arrive and I am not feeling sorry for myself.
I have decided to put the RV on a lot for a consignment sale. I've not had any luck trying to sell it on the RV sites on the internet.
Not much else to report.
Your dinner and after dinner plans sound wonderful, something my DH and I would enjoy!
131.4. Around the same! Tried on at least 30 pairs of pants to see what fits, what I want to keep, toss or donate. I have entirely too many clothes. A lot of them were work dress pants that I don?t need so much anymore. I will keep a handful of them but the donation bag is going to be big. I have quite a few pairs of jeans that are quite blingy (think big rhinestones) that I will be getting rid of. Some pants are still a bit too tight and I don?t really care to be that small again, so they too will go in the donation bag. I might save a few pairs of the work pants for DSD to sift through since she mentioned that she will need to dress business casual once done with her Doctor of Nurse Practitioner schooling. I won?t be offended at all if she doesn?t like or want them, I?ll just add to the donation pile. I?m anywhere from a size 0-4, depending on style and brand. DSD and I are built completely differently, she is small and narrow on top, has a super tiny waist and has a booty and athletic thighs. I?m super broad on top with wide shoulders and a big rib cage, waist will be thin after tummy tuck but for now I have quite the Mom pooch with the extra skin, and my hips are quite narrow with a non existent booty right now! All that to say, my old clothes might not even fit her body type!
Trying my best to not go out in this frigid cold but I need to pick up mushrooms for the sausage soup I?m making for dinner. The plan was to go on the treadmill but right now the protein bar that gives my tummy trouble is doing it?s job. I was feeling a little backed up so it isn?t a bad thing but I don?t want to be too far from the loo and for sure not jostling around on the treadmill at the moment.
DC1 has been hanging out here daily and even spent the night the last 2 nights. Has a counseling appointment today which will be good!
DH is getting increasingly more antsy to be done with work as his retirement date gets closer and is getting increasingly more jealous that I?m not trudging into work on the daily! I really don?t blame him!
on 2/17/25 8:41 am
And at this point you can still probably easily count the number of rounds you've played in total! Golf is hard. And you are brand new to it. He needs to stop mentally comparing you to himself who has been playing for a long time.
I sure hope you can get some sheltered sun today - the sun is bright here but the wind is howling. But way better than -35. Dinner sounds like fun!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Thanks for letting me not feel over sensitive. DH does tend to get very competitive at times. I keep having to remind him that I am only playing golf for fun and if it stops being fun there isn't much point in it as far as I am concerned.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
The predicted wind chill for Minneapolis was -35 today!!! Not sorry to miss that. Yikes. Last night sitting on the lanai, I thought starting next year, winters will be more like this! We won't escape every freezing day, but we can be away for lots of them. :) I hope the same for you!
I think your DH is a gem of a man, who gets competitive in sporting events and forgets that you actually getting out and golfing is a gift you are giving to him. I don't think you need to "hear the truth" about whether you played well or not. And if you did, what metric for measuring "well" should be used? Should you be expected to putt as well as someone who has played for years? I think not. Again, your DH is a very fine man, but in this case he is wrong and should be ecstatic you've agreed to put time and energy into learning golf.
Yesterday we managed to get some sun after all. The clouds broke up for a couple of hours right before noon. It was even warm enough to get in the pool and paddle a bit. I have my tanning routine: arriving all winter pale requires restraint to avoid a painful sun burn. Day 1 I set a timer on my phone, 10 minutes on each side without sunscreen. The rest of the day, suncreen. Yesterday, I allow 15 minutes per side, then slop it on. This usually allows me to get some color without burning. The air temps will be cooler today, maybe 70 degrees, but the sun will be warm.
We watched the Saturday Night Live special last night. It was too long, but also had so many great bits, I'm not sure what they could have cut. It was very fun to see all the celebrities who hosted the show over the years, and all the former cast members.
Tonight we have dinner reservations at one of our favorite restaurants in Disney Springs: Wine Bar George. If its not too chilly, we'll walk over to House of Blues to listen to some music after dinner. My favorite kind of plans. :)