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on 2/20/25 4:16 pm, edited 2/20/25 8:16 am
VSG on 06/13/12
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

My resolve to be okay at this weight was somewhat tested this week. There were mirrors everywhere in this condo, and I saw the spread when I was sitting. Hmmm. Will this light a new fire or will I try to avoid sitting in front of mirrors? Honestly, I don't fancy buying a bunch of new pants if I could lose another 10-15 pounds. My current pants are kind of on edge as it is. So there's that too. The fire may already be dwindling...

on 2/20/25 4:12 pm
VSG on 06/13/12
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

I will look forward to reports about how your vision is after the healing. And we need a hand update, how is that going?

Your resisting being grounded reminds me of a conversation with my Dad. He was staying somewhere that did not allow drinking or smoking, even in your own yard. He chaffed at this. I said, But Dad, you don't smoke and you don't drink. His response Wel! I don't like anyone telling me I can't.

diane S.
on 2/20/25 12:23 pm
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

Greetings all

I sit here as a cyclops. The "done' eye is a complete blurr. Hoping that clears up sooner rather than later. for some people it takes awhile. All in all not too horrible an experience. It was actually kind of psychedelic. They were playing some Joni Mitchel music and the procedure is quite the light show so it was a trip to the 60s. Took the valium. Wi**** was more. But I can't drive or go out and about. Even though I don't do a whole heck of a lot, I really hate being benched. Not much to do except this and tv.

Peps I guarantee you are gaining muscle and losing fat. For sure. Yep, your dad has what they call "greater reserves" being a highly educated and intelligent person. My mom did too. So they can fake out their caregivers. Lakeland terrier!!! What cool little dogs.

Mangroves Liz. How hard do they have to make that course!! Aligators?? Well enjoy and just hit it into the mangroves straight out and get it overwith.

Fish dinner Paula! Nothing better than good fish that someone else cooks. For some reason I don't like fish so much if I cook it. First world problems.

DD so glad you are feeling better. Have a great last day and travel safe. Eschew the t shirt shops!

CC we like your critter catcher. Does it work on scorpions? Enjoy the convertible. What a great ride.

Today would have to be a super sunny day which I cannot enjoy. Oh woe is me. I will live. Geez good thing I proofed this. A million malapropos and typos. Forgive me, English teachers.

Diane S

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on 2/20/25 11:12 am
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

We are having an early spring day here. We often get those in February, but after the chilly weather we've had this month the sunny warmth feels almost strange. The nape of my neck and shoulders were actually hot standing in the sun during my yard duty!!

212.0 this morning. My instinct is to eat very little today so I can finally weigh in for the week at under 212. Such eating disorder thinking!

Dad really liked his hair cut. He came out of the bathroom after having a look and chirped, "Well, that's a handsome cut!" How cute is that? He does look more together with his hair freshly trimmed. I noticed that he does a really good job at masking his dementia. I'm sure having a huge and highly intellectual vocabulary all his life is serving him well now. He still "sounds" quite intelligent even when I know he's lost or grasping. But I digress... What makes me happy is doing something that makes him happy. I never know these days how he'll react. The only given is that he is always grateful for company and a visit.

Great workout after dad's haircut. I did an entire hour on chest and shoulders. I am already a little bit sore, which you all know I love. I have to step up the push ups. I'm pooping out after 25. I used to be able to push myself to do 40 in a row. Gotta get back there. Yes, I know, most men my age can't even do 5, but... you know me.... I may not be able to be tall and thin, but dammit, I'm gonna be strong!

I made an inquiry last night about a bucket list breed. Looks like we might be adding a cutie patootie Lakeland Terrier puppy to the pack this summer. Fingers crossed. I know, I know... he needs another dog like he needs another hole in his head....

Shot day today. I'm a little leery of a full dose of this new stuff after the blow out last Saturday night. But at the same time, I have found the change in med seems to have decreased some of my hunger drive. But again, it could also be that I am hell bent and determined to get below 200 by summertime. 12 pounds seems so doable, yet it is taking sooooooo long. I think I have finally admitted that I am pretty darn comfortable at my current weight, so I have not felt a frantic need to reduce. Like DD, I know it's my decision and choice at this point what I want to do. I made the choice to get to 199.9. At that point, I'll have to once again decide if going lower is what I really want to do - e.g. is the weight goal worth what it takes to get there?????

I counter your thermal layered Thursdays east of me with a thawed out Thursday here!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 2/20/25 10:42 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

As you know, I am doing 2 mg a week by injecting 1 mg twice a week. It has worked great for me.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 2/20/25 10:41 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

Glad to hear the inflammation is better. Too bad you couldn't sleep but I guess that is a pretty common side-effect.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish

on 2/20/25 10:31 am
VSG on 04/01/15
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

131, up 1/2 lb. The scale is just messing with me! Today was shot day. I will be getting my next vial of 10 mg Tirzepatide tomorrow which will make a total of 3 that I have stashed. If I go down to 2 mg/week for maintenance, that will last me 15 months! Hoping that dose will work well for me!

Woman's Bible study this morning was good. DH just got home from work early and DC1 hanging out as usual. Not much else planned for the day except going out for fish for dinner!

5' 4" tall, HW: 242, SW:215.4 Weight Loss - pre-op: - 26.6, M1: -15.4, M2: -16, M3: -11.4, M4: -11.2, M5: -12.2, M6: -7.4, M7: -7.8, M8: -2.0 Goal of 130 lbs. reached at 8 months, 2 days post-op!

on 2/20/25 7:33 am, edited 2/19/25 11:34 pm
VSG on 06/13/12
Topic: RE: Thursday February 20, 2025

Wowee, that prednisone had me flying. I could not sleep last night (yesterday was the first 6 pills) but it has definitely taken the inflammation from my chest.

Very overcast here. We were hoping that even if it was cool, the sun would be warm enough to sit by the pool for a bit. We don't need to leave for the airport until around 5pm.

It wasn't the same trip it has been before, but we did get some sun, I swam a bit, and we enjoyed hours on the lanai. Better to be sick here where I could go outside.

Following your directive Liz, and wearing multiple layers so I can have a thermal Thursday.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 2/20/25 3:39 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Topic: Thursday February 20, 2025


Good day yesterday in that most activities were accomplished though we were rained out of the second of two games (we won the first). Now we need to reschedule that other game. What a pain.

Today I play golf with the ladies. Very nervous as we are playing the one portion of the 2 courses here that I have never played on as it is the most difficult. Multiple holes require shots over mangroves. I don't think I am using my good balls this time. They do allow special rules for our league in that if you get the first shot in the mangrove you can start from the other side of the mangrove with only a minimal penalty (that's to keep people from getting stuck there for a long time).

Not much else going on other than figuring out dinner. It will be cool today after a very warm day yesterday. It was almost 85 yesterday and the high today will be 68 with a brisk north wind (63 when I start golf). I will need to dress warm.

Have a thermal Thursday!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish

on 2/19/25 5:24 pm
Topic: RE: Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ooh, that era of Mercedes convertibles are gorgeous classics!! This is a 2024 Mercedes CLE. It comes tomorrow!
