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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 11/17/24 3:51 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

I KNOW you can pull that off. You will look fantastic!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 11/17/24 3:46 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Though I like Christmas decorations I don't think they belong before Thanksgiving. I went into a soap store hoping for some fall scents a few weeks ago but they had already cleared them out and the place was filled with Christmas scents (and decorations). I think it was barely November at that point so maybe people are using Halloween as the time for change? Actually I think the stores are brainwashing us because people don't buy much other than food for Thanksgiving so they want to go from Halloween decor and costumes right to Christmas.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish

on 11/16/24 6:35 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

I hear you about the ankles. I'm just now carving out some dedicated walking time and building up to former distance is proving challenging. I've noticed the muscles in my right foot and ankle seem to be weak, causing a bit of a glitch in my gait. Just so bothersome in just that place. Who'd a thought strong footing is so necessary when tramping around?

on 11/16/24 6:19 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

133.8. Seems I've settled into a maintenance range also been hanging around this number for the last week or so. Makes daily logging a bit boring...and just the way I'd like to continue....

After scouting out the crawl space under house the other day and thinking about the what's and how's, I, today, decided to do some repairs on my own. 2+ hours positioned every which way but usual and acting like an 1880's Welsh coal miner....mission accomplished!

Total 100% NSV experience starting with being able to easily slipping through a 24x18 inch access and endless slithering around re wrapping insulation around ductwork and reconnecting two places where elbow joints had disconnected causing the duct to sag and gap. When I think of doing that weighing over 350#s....just, wow. I remember a time when even getting down on hands and knees was iffy and forget about getting back up.

Tomorrow, I'm designating every single sore spot on my body a badge of honor. Yes, indeedy.

Needless to say, I didn't make cheese today- somehow the heatproof kitchen gloves didn't arrive in the moving, and directions call for handling the balls straight out of the pot. Used the milk for cottage cheese and blew off the bread for another time. Liz, about cooking- I am totally over preparing every day meals..been there, done that but, love baking and creating foods from scratch that many think only come out of a can

on 11/16/24 4:39 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

I really like a tailored suit that cuts in at the waist - so attractive. Great choice!

on 11/16/24 4:31 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Love that suit, Peps! I bet it will look great on you.

More hiking today. I'm exhausted. She thinks 10 miles is short, so on our 4-5 mile jaunts, she's just getting going and I'm dying with the cumulative miles this week! Tomorrow we head to Santa Fe, so at least it's walking on pavement rather than rocky trails. My ankles will thank me. Here was today's hike:

I'm very ready to go back to my solo life. But it has been lovely to see her. Kirby will be boarded for the first time ever. I'm looking forward to a break from him too! He's exhausting with guests. Extra naughty.

They still have not found the young man. I read today his mom lost her daughter 2 years ago. My heart absolutely breaks for her.

No weighing this week. Will check Wednesday.

Diane, the train was very well done, but a long journey! The rocking nearly lulled us to sleep at the end. But they run a nice program. Here's a pic from that:

And one from an early morning hike:

Take care all!

on 11/16/24 1:50 pm
VSG on 04/01/15
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

I remember sleeping on the sofa sleeper when we had visitors. Like DD, I had a double bed and my room became the guest room whenever we had overnight guests! At Grandma's house us kids had to sleep on the hard floor right next to the dining room where the adults drank and played cards until the wee hours of the morning and they were very loud. Grandma would yell at us for not going to sleep, but who could sleep with all that noise? She also had a grandfather clock in the living room where we were and every dang hour that thing would chime!! But I also remember it being fun, a huge sleepover with my brother and 4 cousins!

5' 4" tall, HW: 242, SW:215.4 Weight Loss - pre-op: - 26.6, M1: -15.4, M2: -16, M3: -11.4, M4: -11.2, M5: -12.2, M6: -7.4, M7: -7.8, M8: -2.0 Goal of 130 lbs. reached at 8 months, 2 days post-op!

on 11/16/24 1:21 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

218.5... Liz, we are no longer in sync. Yay for me.... LOL

Oh, the deliciousness of dozing and lying under the down until almost 8 am! HEAVEN!

One client dog down for the day. One to go. Taking a break for a little meal.

Liz your cold weather would have been balmy here! We were in the upper 30s this morning. It was truly chilly - though it's warmed up a bit. We are holding at 59 degrees, but it's sunny and the air is barely stirring. I graduated to a warm sweat shirt and gym shorts. Like a little boy, I wear shorts unless it's really just too cold!

I am feeling quite well today. Light and spry. I ordered a new suit on a major sale yesterday - marked down from $480 to $110. I will have to do a little altering on it, but still a great bargain. I know I am feeling pretty good about how I look because the suit is wine colored. I would never be the "Fat Man" in a red suit! But the color is so rich, and it will look so nice with Buster's colors. I think I can pull this off.

Paula, if I were you, I would absolutely up my dose and then hoard. LOL! I will most likely take some $ out of savings so I can buy a bulk load, like Liz did. It may be the way to go. Right now, there is no immediate need.

So I got to thinking last night about all the things that moving can entail - new doctors, new vets, dog laws, etc... kind of stressed me out. I am a Kaiser patient (have been from birth) and know how to work that system. However, one of the areas that I am seriously considering for retiring has no Kaiser. So, not only would I have to figure out a new HMO system, but I'd have to figure it out for my dad, too. I can't move from here without bringing him along. Wouldn't be right. I'd have to find a care facility for him in the area. Luckily, he'd save about 5k a month moving to a new facility in that area. The area is also not in CA, which is scary, but would be so financially beneficial. The few friends I have who live in the region are transplants from CA and love it there. Food for thought.

I loved sleeping on the couch when I was little and we had company. It meant going to sleep in my parents' bed and then being carried or gently wakened to move to the couch. Or, even better, it meant I got to stay up extra late with the adults!!!! Oh, those were special times because it meant either my aunts or grandparents were in the house! My absolute favorite was when we had visitors in the summer and my parents let me and my brother sleep on the back deck in our sleeping bags.

I believe me Saturday is turning out to be a satisfying one. I wish you all the same!

on 11/16/24 1:06 pm
VSG on 06/13/12
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Agree, turn on the heat if needed. We've come too far in life now to have to suffer the cold, especially a damp cold.

diane S.
on 11/16/24 12:40 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Greetings all

A few minutes here before I head up to gallery duty. It will be slow as molasses in January there today so must bring many toys. It's overcast but dry so far but it will be cold up there. I hesitate to turn on the furnace as the propane bill gets huge but if I must, I must. We need the tax deduction anyway.

Our team plays later this afternoon so we will watch it recorded. Hope it goes well as DH is still moping about political stuff.

Well Liz, I don't envy you if some of family is going to be crabby over holidays. What a lot you are doing for 10 days of guests! I can barely do 10 minutes. Hope it all goes well and everyone remembers not to sweat the small stuff. Brave of you to get vaccinated and then go back to house chores. Good on you for being a friend to the wife of the drinker. She needs a friend. There was a man at my mother's retirement apartments that got kicked out because he would drink and then grab at every female in sight. No one would get in the elevator with him.

DD good for you for early dinner and slow evening. It's the time of year for cocooning.

Well I got through yesterday's list even though I did not do it all yesterday. Good enough.

Paula you should just take over the whole basement with your art/photo stuff. Who needs a bar. Enjoy the project.

CC did we ever hear about the train ride or did I forget?

Some Christmas stuff is already up on our street. Actually it was up in the summer but not plugged in. jeez people, why rush?

No gym today but I will walk while on gallery duty. No grunters at the gallery. No clue on dinner tonight. Probably whatever is at the deli at the grocery near the gallery.

Diane S

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