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I hope you can find that sweet spot where you can lose weight, but still have some energy. It's all a work in progress.
on 8/31/24 2:43 pm
So really the equivalent of a 15 pound loss . I like your math!
You'd mentioned before that you typically gain 10 pounds in Michigan over the summer, so think about how well you've done by not gaining, not even just maintaining (which would be a victory) but by even losing some weight. Well done.
166.7! Just a hair down but I'm not complaining.
We are in Madison today. DS2's apartment is cute. His aesthetic is retro eclectic artsy. I actually love how he puts things together! We went to the Farmers market this morning (I only bought garlic bulbs and green beans) then we walked the downtown area and he showed us the 2 places he works. He teaches at an Aveda Institute and also works at a place called Facial Collective. In a bit we will pick up his BFF that also lives in Madison and go to the Taste of Madison.
I'm having a hard time getting in my calories again. Not sure if it is the GLP 1 or the antibiotic I'm on or perhaps a combo of the two. Both can cause nausea and fatigue. I just know I'm getting sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I may decrease my Tirzepatide to 2.5 for a week and see how I feel.
If you wear an outfit that "makes you feel pretty", then it's a guaranteed surety you will be beautiful in the dress.
Spot on with the choice of why and with whom you choose to share your space and time. Good on you.
on 8/31/24 8:32 am
Northern lights here last night! It really just looks like clouds on the horizon that have a very slight glow to them, like when you see the glow from city lights in the distance. But pull out your camera with a 10 second exposure and they are magical. I'm glad Kirby needed a potty visit late last night or I wouldn't have noticed.
My weight was 187.8 this morning, which made me realize I'm only 4 pounds from the top of a normal BMI for my height and 18 or so pounds from my goal of 170. Gives me something to focus on.
Regarding the Eli Lilly vials, that's interesting. It does fill a niche for those not eligible for the savings card like Medicare users (ends up about the same price) who are concerned about using compounds. I am okay with the compounds myself for the moment.
The drugs in any form are expensive except for the lucky few whose insurance currently covers the name brand version (more and more are removing it from their formulary because they are losing their shirts). If you think about how the average time to market for a new drug is 10 to 15 years and many never make to market, that's a lot of unpaid effort to make up for when it one is released. I figure pharmaceutical companies aren't charities and none of us need this stuff to stay alive.
No plans for today. Last night we had pizza on the boat with friends and Claudia's niece and her husband. Lots of fun. Not sure what's for dinner tonight...
Anyway, that's me for today. Off to figure out something protein forward for lunch. Maybe tuna?
Take care!
Sitting at the table drinking tea and enjoying the view through the full bank of windows that is the east wall of the kitchen (one of the house's smiley-points for me) while DH is eating donuts, drinking coffee and watching a soccer game at DS1's house (one of the very best smiley-points for him).
Those pesky rodents are something else with the car wires. We've had repairs on vehicles over the years with the buggers chowing down like they were at a Chinese buffet. Figured it was due to the home's location (surrounded by corn and soybean fields) but guess they're everywhere. Supposedly, if you leave the hood open and sprinkle mothballs around the car's floor space they will stay away (didn't work for us).
Just planning on piddling around a bit and then later will swing by DS#2's and do some shopping, have lunch somewhere and stop by the butcher locker/shop to purchase some prime county fair beef ( the ribbon winners are auctioned off and for a while available at various markets- unbelievably good stuff). Will send some home with DS as a treat for helping with the move.
That's about it for the day. I do believe the first real hint of Fall has arrived, not that it won't flip into summer again, but only for a bit before sliding full into my very favorite season.
I have watched those videos so many times, I skip to the quiz, take it, pass it, and then go back and let the video sections run while I do something else. Yes, I'm a cheater!
Yeah for DH getting in lots of birthday celebrations. One of my friend's wives has a birthday month, celebrations for 30 days :)
These meds are a brave new frontier. I saw an advertisement for a program that used compounding pharmacy, and it seemed like their advertised price was a bit lower than current prices. As more and more effective options come on the market, hopefully prices will continue to go down.
I got a good portion of paperwork done yesterday. I still have 2 mandatory training videos to watch, the famous blood borne pathogens with built in quiz, and Mandatory Reporting video, not sure if there is a quiz for that one.
We had a truly lovely evening out. 80 degrees, low humidity, gentle breeze, good conversation, delicious food... I wore a dress that made me feel so pretty. My daughter bought it from Posh Mark several years ago. It fit neither of us, but I can finally wear it now. I almost don't want to look at pictures DH took, because what if it doesn't look as great as I thought!
Today, off to a birthday party for my great nephew. It's been a tumultuous time for my nephew and his wife. Her Dad was in hospice, and passed away last weekend. They decided to go ahead with the party, as she's sure that's what her Dad would want. Knowing him a bit, it totally makes sense. He was a very kind man, who loved his grandchildren very much.
His funeral is this coming Friday. For a moment I thought, I can't miss the 4th day of school. But I thought they need me more than the students do that one day. The students won't care where I was, but my nephew and niece will remember I was with them.
Looks like another blue ribbon weather day. Perfect for a kids birthday party!