VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday June 4
It still seems strange writing "June". Weight 116, calories 953. 6 days to Aruba!
If I can make it through the week, vacation is here for 18 glorious days. But in the meantime I have to catch up at work and DH has a root canal, PCP visit, and clinical trial baseline exam in Boston 3 days in a row. I also have to set up a few days of dog boarding and on our return a bunch of overdue appointments: physical for one dog, both cars need regular service and we need an electrician to figure out what is wrong with the front light switch. Oh this week I need to pack - for 2 of us (DH used to pack for himself). It never ends!
I'm spending the day making sure I can defer the dogs physical (need to check her vaccination dates), and using my sewing machine to modify some clothes that I want to bring but are a little too big. Hopefully you will all have a relaxing Sunday!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Good Morning all!
Wow, Liz, that's a lot of action before your vacation!
Paula, I flipped thru your family photos. They are wonderful, your family seems comfortable in its own skin. And YOU look beautiful, too. If I didn't know you were worried about your weight, I would have never suspected there could be a worry about weight.
12.3 mile hike yesterday on Tiger Mountain. Trees, rocks, moss, ferns! This mountain has a million of interconnecting trails which is great. But, they have similar names and the names have changed over the years. Even with a map it is hard to know where you are or if you can get to where you want to go. I now have a garmin gps device which I am learning to use but it will never be turn by turn directions. To augment, I have a 6 hour compass and map class thru REI coming up. I can't imagine 6 hours of that sort of thing but I am going to take my medicine.
Devon, Bramble's feet are so big. Do you expect her to be unusually big or are those just typical puppy feet?
DianeO, thanks so much for your thoughts on strength/body fat, and everything. I felt relief when you said it is ok to re-evaluate what my Cinderella range. I still don't know where I will end up but just that permission was surprisingly helpful.
DianeS, I love feeling stronger and healthier thru physical strength. It doesn't have to be large amounts. Small amounts, consistently, can make a huge difference.
BB, have enjoyed your thoughts recently and I LOVED your body's ability to more quickly lose weight post vacation. Perhaps a demo of why exercise is known to help maintain weight. That, or magic. Either one sounds good to me.
Carbon, hope your knees feel great today and you can enjoy the outdoors.
Ann, hope it is a relaxing Missouri kind of day, perhaps plotting your next adventure with DH.
Dave and Linda....miss you both. Chime in if you have a moment. Missing others, as well....
Hug your skinny tight! Shel

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
My DH would be jealous - he loved to hike but can't go alone anymore and I'm not really into it like he is.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Still in the low 140's. Not going to get out of them unless I start changing my behaviors. Not exercising has hurt me big time! Hoping the weather will cooperate so I can at least get a walk in today....there is always that darn treadmill too I guess!
Thanks for the compliments on the pics Shel. They did turn out well.....many hours of editing though! Also thanks on the weight comment. I'm still in a normal BMI range but really would feel better about 15 lbs. less.
Church today, out to lunch with some friends and then hopefully exercise of some sort. These days I keep finding excuses not to get it in which is odd because I love to exercise!
Excuses or simply overwhelmed? I bet the latter. Give yourself some self-love and get in 20 minutes today of any activity.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Yes, your family is beautiful and the pictures are wonderful. You will love looking back at them over the years.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Weight has been bouncing up and down about 2 pounds. I'm incredibly sore from my new workout on Friday. Upped the weight on deadlifts and I had an ah ha moment on technique that I know contributed to the soreness. Also, got a compliment from the trainer. He referred to me as one of his "advanced" clients. Made me feel pretty good. He said he can give me things he would never dream of giving most of his clients. Yeah, that was nice!
Hey everyone.... weight is fluid, not static! It will go up and down. You will have high weights and low weights. It's simply what is. The normies do the same. We have to learn to be okay with that. I think Diane O has a great outlook with her 5 pound swing range. Within her range - no worries. If she's out, she takes care of what needs taking care of. Always staying within a pound or two is pretty tough and takes a lot of effort. At some point I think the goal for me is to be able to relax a little bit about the scale, food, constant fretting about the number... The new meds are helping, but I know it's going to be a life time work.
Shel, strength or stamina? Curious if you want one or the other or both. Stamina will not require you to rethink your Cinderella weight. Strength will. Strength is power. Stamina is the ability to prolong. Distance runners have stamina. Body builders, mountain climbers, competitive swimmers have strength - the ability to use muscle power explosively to move something through space or against gravity.
Bramble goes to her new home today. I will miss that little imp. Ron is really sad. BTW, her feet are normal Airedale puppy feet. She has good bone and will be a good size, but she will not be large for the breed. I'm guessing she'll be like her mama and top out at about 53 pounds.
Got to start report cards!
Good question about strength vs stamina.....certainly some interplay, right? More of both, please!
But, I do think (feedback welcome!) that I am specifically looking for strength. For example, I have my eye on a couple of long, steep hikes this summer that will require bigger step-ups. So, me moving through space against gravity (strength) for extended periods (stamina?). I notice that I don't seem to have the same ease in step-ups that I used to have or that others have.
I also want to increase my back/shoulder strength for yoga things. And core, always core. All of this, I think, helps with functional fitness which is my ultimate goal.
I think carrying around 360 lbs made parts of me crazy-strong but there is imbalance.
FWIW, if we are going to be thinking about target ranges (the term "Cinderella" has never sat well in my brain,) mine is 7 lbs. But, I have typically wanted to be in the lower part of the range all of the time --- setting myself up for a good vs bad mentality that I want to avoid.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
We will miss hearing about Bramble as well - what a beautiful puppy who overcame the odds!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Greetings Busy Ones
136.5 today. I weighed in when I got up really early to pee and then it was 136. I know, TMI but how could I gain half a pound after going back to bed for a couple of hours. Just goes to show you that a pound or two is insignificant. Even Dr. Cirangle says only get concerned over 5 pounds either way.
Liz yikes you have a lot to do. I used to sort of enjoy the rush of getting everything done before vacation. But you have more than a rush - more like a stampede!! GL and enjoy the well deserved vacation.
Shell how many mountain hikes are there around you? Sounds like lots. It will be interesting to see how the Garmin class goes. We have people get lost hiking around here fairly regularly and while they are generally found safe, be careful. Sometimes people climb up cliffs along the beach then the tide comes in and the coast guard has to come with a helicopter. The coast guard base is here in our town so they are always flying around here mostly training.
Paula hope you have a fun day with friends and such. I am going to help my 80 year old friend with her iPad. We messed with it so much that it finally locked us out and we decided to leave it alone for a day. My friend is showing signs of dementia and I know her husband is concerned but I am wondering if I should speak to him. I really think she needs some testing.
Devon good for you for being one of your trainer's most advanced people. The stuff you describe sounds unbelievably challenging. I went to my gym yesterday and did my circuit. I am supposed to do 3 sets but could only do two. Upped the weights on some machines. Feel better for it. Tomorrow I am going to try Silver Sneakers exercise class.
Fish and green beans last night. A much healthier option. Then binge watching House of Cards.
Well clouds are out but hopefully will leave. Might do the gym later as I have to take the yellow submarine and such down to the gallery at 4 and the gym is near.
Peace and "All you need is love". Diane S