VSG Maintenance Group
Monday the 14th
Hello fam. No weight today. We're all home, still sitting around in our jammies, a light hearted mood permeating the day. I feel very grateful for that.
Peace and hope
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
Happy Monday!!! Despite the number on my scale...heh! I have done well today so far...Busy here in the Library. Lots of kids reading for AR and then testing. I'm getting ready for my PK-3rd grade story time. I'm going to read Pete the Cat The First Thanksgiving. I'm even going to dress up...lol We will read, make a Pete the Cat Pilgrim and then snack on a Pete the Cat treat (graham crackers, yellow frosting and M&M for buttons). I hope that makes me a cool Librarian!
Joey..sorry you're sick.
Diane..Hoping the fluid leaves quickly! I'll message you soon about training! Thanks!
Diane...I'm eating too much cheese, too. And, peanut butter!!! UGH!
Dave...hang in there. Just remember you're not where you were!
Shel...I never knew yoga focused on toes. Interesting.
Paula...I don't want the pokey stitches...eva!
Liz..sounds like you're managing well. Good Job! Show those arms!!!
Devon-Glad Ella is home! Hang in there!
Protect your Skinny!!!
Hey peeps!!
136.4. Day off today so I started with a 9 mile run! 9 miles!!! Legs are killing me but I'm proud. I have set a goal to do a half marathon in the spring, there is one on March 5th I'm looking at. Having a goal keeps me motivated.
Also prepped some food today for the week- refrigerator oatmeal and some lasagna cups. Looking forward to sitting on my bum knitting for a while after dinner.
Stephanieplum- nice to see you!! I always enjoy your posts.
Love and skinniness to you all!
Heather :)

Highest Weight: 268 pounds. Surgery Weight 248 pounds. Current Weight 142 pounds. VSG 8/24/15 with Dr. Havaleshko
Hi all! Weight up a smidgeon today. No biggie.
Very busy weekend with too many on the go meals prepared outside of my own kitchen. That always results in a temporary gain, so I'm pleased I'm up less than a pound. Must have eaten less than I thought!
Ella won Best of Breed both days at the "Wine Country" shows in Napa, CA. She needs only one more point for her championship. Ella was exhausted yesterday after we got home - unusually so. Leads me to think that she has little cells multiplying and taking a lot of her energy. She's also already losing weight (natural consequence of canine pregnancy in the first trimester). All good signs.
I am beginning the hell week of parent teacher conferences and report cards. I miss the old days of grades like E, G, S, and N. (Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Needs Improvement). Now each one of my 3rd grade elementary students gets 47 distinct grades. It's really ridiculous, but that is the swing of the pendulum. I have found most parents really want to know if their student is on grade level and if not, what areas need work. End of subject. They don't really care if a child is able to recognize character similarities of different characters from different texts and link those similarities together to create a comparison. They want to know, "Can my kid read?" What is good information for the teacher is not always necessary information for the parent. Too bad I don't make the rules. LOL!
Hope I have time to check during the week, but making no promises. Tomorrow will be especially grueling - teach all day, rehearsal after school for the SF Opera performance on Wednesday, then conferences from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.