VSG Maintenance Group
Friday at long last. July 8
Greetings All
Carbon so wish that knee would hurry up and heal. But I guess its just something you cannot rush. Seems like athletes are eventually done in by their knees so don't let that happen to you! (or they are done in by brain injury).
Ocean Diane hope you can check in today. We are feeling your pain and hope you are improving.
Regarding the sugar/fat thing, I am sure I have mentioned before the book "The End of Overeating" by Dr. Kessler (former surgeon general). The title is misleading because its more of an expose of the food industry and how they look for the perfect combination of sugar , fat and salt to make you addicted to their junk food and how the stuff measures at about the level of cocaine on the addiction schedule. Interesting reading with some suggestions on what to do, but it will really make you hate the big food industry and think of it like tobacco. Helps me to just not go down the cookie/cracker aisle at the grocery.
Its raining here. Does not bode well for my art opening tonight though people here are used to rain and deal with it. Sold two pieces yesterday already so I am hoping its a financial success (to the extent that its possible to make art and make any money which is not much). Also the house siders don't want to work in the rain so it will be a quiet day here. More time to play with terror puppy.
The local paper described my artwork as "aggressively adorable" LOL I think thats sort of an insult but who cares. I am going to make an art piece called "Aggressively Adorable".
Oh, did I mention I am at 131 still. Lets hold that thought for when Dr. Cirangle weighs me tomorrow. Cheers to all. diane s
I'm frustrated with my weight again. I went off plan just a bit over the july 4th weekend, and I'm up 3.5 pounds! Yesterday I ate under 1000 calories, and virtually no carbs, and I was still up another pound today! It feels so unfair - 3.5 pounds gained over a small bowl fruit and three French fries! Everything else was on plan!
Rationally, I know it can't be fat weight - that would take overeating by 10,000 calories to gain 3 pounds. It has to be water retention from the carbs. But I sure hate it.
Sorry to be such a downer. But I guess the frustration is part of the package!
Kairk, I liked the CBC program on sugar. Thanks for sharing it.

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3
on 7/8/16 10:23 am - NJ
I finally went for my 2 year checkup. Anniversary was 6/24. Blood work and everything was good, but Vitamin D was a little low. I bought more supplements so all should be OK.
I knew I had gained since my 18 month checkup and expected my doctor to be as concerned about it as I am. I was up 6 lbs. He said 6 lbs. up or down is fine, you're maintaining. It was a relief and I think it lit a new fire under my butt as well as my son's who went with me for moral support. He is now starting the process for surgery.
My son is 25 and has suffered from significant mental illness since he was around 15. He has gained more than 150 lbs. I discussed the side-effects of Abilify with one of his doctors who disagreed that the medication caused weight gain, saying it only increases appetite. I said that if it makes him ravenously hungry all the time, then it will result in weight gain. He said in front of my son that if he "drank only water for 2 weeks" he would definitely lose weight. I asked if he would say the same thing to a teenaged girl. The doctor lost his mind and fired us, as if we weren't going to look for a new doctor.
Anyway, I digress, my son goes to many of my support group meetings but has been afraid to go through the surgery himself. I think seeing how my doctor handled my fears gave him the confidence to start the process himself. Talk amongst yourselves.
My Irish step dancing class with my daughter does not start until September, but my daughter is trying to schedule private lessons for us.
Around 130 today. Waaaaaaay over ate yesterday! For the first time since VSG I didn't adhere to the no drinking with meals rule and indeed I was able to eat more. Our Luau was wonderful yestetday. 5 course meal over 3 hours with unlimited drinks! I had 2 virgin Pina Coladas - super yummy. Going to Haleakela today and will do some hiking!
Have a great day my friends!
Around 130 today. Waaaaaaay over ate yesterday! For the first time since VSG I didn't adhere to the no drinking with meals rule and indeed I was able to eat more. Our Luau was wonderful yestetday. 5 course meal over 3 hours with unlimited drinks! I had 2 virgin Pina Coladas - super yummy. Going to Haleakela today and will do some hiking!
Have a great day my friends!
It is Friday, indeed! I must have needed to sleep because I sure did! I got up for the pups at about 6:30 let them out to pee and play and went back to bed about 6:45. I dozed until after 9:00!!!!! Unheard of for me. I feel as if I have pissed away half the day! LOL! Today was planned as a day of NOTHING anyway, so I guess I'm okay, right?
Hello and healing thoughts to Carbon and Diane. Hope you are both healing. Momsy, hope you are doing well and your summer with the girls is bringing you joy. I'm glad to read about Lorna and that she is keeping her head above water. The first year after losing a spouse is so difficult.
Food was on point yesterday. I also went to the gym and did 4 miles on the elliptical in 45 minutes. That equalled 7600 strides. Works for me.
Down another .6. That takes me right back to my pre 4th of July weight.
As my body adjusts to the far lower sugar level, I am beginning to feel the benefits. The first thing I notice is my mood is "lighter". There is something about too much sugar that has a negative effect on my mood. Could be I also tend to focus on exercise when I am focusing on a sugar reset. Perhaps it's the combination.
Have odds and ends to attend to today and a training session at 4:30. Dinner with my bestie and Ron. Maybe I'll even get a little gardening done!