VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday, June 12th
124.8. Calories a little high yesterday, too much snacking while driving to an from zip lining (2 hours each way). I had packed snacks for all of the scouts (Skittles and Gardettos) and didn't do a very good job of resisting them myself even though I brought (and ate) protein bars! Zip Lining was fun!
Church, then probably hanging some new drapes and putting on new bedding in our Master bedroom today. Our couple's bible study is hosting an ice cream social tonight (I volunteered to buy a healthy topping - sliced fruit!). New woman's bible study starts after the ice cream social. Busy day ahead!
I am TWS today (traveling while small) That is always a pick me up.
My company is taking a group to a conference so I am off to San Diego. I feel pretty lucky to get to go. Do you remember how nervous I was to do a presentation several weeks ago? Apparently it really did go ok because it was after that that I was tagged for the trip.
Paula, your arms already look great, are you you sure You haven't already had PS? :)
Diane S, thinking of you today. Hope you can enjoy your family's visit.
Home life is a disaster. I am happy to flee. DH said he would keep me up to date by texts and I seriously said not to. But, I took it back because he needs support, too.
I am planning my grocery list of protein forward foods to have in the hotel fridge. This conference lists breakfast as continental which doesn't sound sleeve friendly.
I hope to improve on my last hotel experience although on the whole I didn't do terrible. There is great irony in that the disordered part of my brain used "I will never be here again so I better enjoy this particular restaurant now" as an excuse for bringing excessive food back to the hotel room. Now, here I am, returning to the scene of the crime just a couple of months later! I do plan to go to that restaurant but none of that food will come back to hotel room with me. (Disordered brain isn't so sure of the strength of that statement. Stupid disordered brain.)
Have a great day! Shel

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Hmmmm....checking in. Down a pound from yesterday. Eating was neither here nor there. On the positive side food consumption was not driven by craving and compulsion. Step in the right direction.
Will need to sit and sort out thoughts and feelings today or tomorrow. I can feel negativity roiling beneath the surface.
Busy day ahead. Except for the client this morning, my plans are "fun" and are things I want to do-not have to do. Step in the right direction.
Using my phone to post. Comp is going in for a Genious Bar appt. tomorrow. Me thinks my nail and Internet software is corrupt and I can't seem to fix it. Booooooooo
Here's hoping we all are able to deal with what we need to deal with today with poise and a positive outlook. A lot going on for everyone here.
Paula I love love love this photo of you!
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
Good morning my wonderful and truly inspirational family. You remind me about all that is good in life, even during our struggles. I draw strength from you every day.
Well, we're home safe and sound, but we did have a mishap with getting the bikes home. Both of them fell over in the RV, so there is paint damage to both. It was upsetting and a hard lesson, but it is what it is, right? Important for me to keep things in perspective at times like this.
Scale seemed exceptionally kind this morning, tagging me at 112. I certainly wasn't stuffing my face on this trip, but there were definitely more calories in play than my norm. Or maybe not overall? Or maybe the gods are just giving me another free pass like they did for the February holiday. No idea. Or maybe I'll see a jump in a few days.
Well, we've got a very busy 10 days ahead of us as we've agreed to give up the house for sublet on June 22nd. I'm feeling my typical anticipatory stress about that of course, but must trust that we will get the job done and be on our way for the summer. Can still hardly fathom we're doing this!
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0