VSG Maintenance Group
Monday, March 21st
The cold I have been trying to stave off finally won. Poop. At least Nyquil helped me sleep.
198.7 - I am up almost 2 pounds from yesterday and my food was on point, too. No exercise, but a nice nap in the afternoon. Was 1 glass short on water, but other than that I have no idea why I'm up. My initial reaction was WTF? And the little voice who says, "Why bother" shouted out and tried to high five me. Not sure what's going on with the body.
Feeling a little bit on the lousy side, so I'm trying to keep my head up and not eat. I always seek food when I have a cold - even when I have the flu I find that I can eat. I'm not one of those who stop eating when sick. I tend to eat MORE when ill. I think I'm going to make a cup of coffee.
No Good Friday off for me. Poop. It's going to be a looooooong week, if this cold stays around.