VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday, March 6th
120.6 - still below my lower red line. No exercise yesterday. I was busy the first half of the day with solo and ensemble (my two older boys are going to State with Jazz choir - yay) but no excuse for not getting something in after that except that I was feeling tired and lazy! I will get something in for sure today.
Happy Sunday everyone!
Whoopsies! I took so long writing my post that I started a threat too. I'll post it here:
Good morning losers.
Haven't weighed yet. I did want to check in to report that I exercised yesterday! I did the bodypump class and a very bad attempt at hot yoga. I have confessed to you guys that I have no intention (at least at current time) to do "formal" exercise my entire life. And therefore, I don't want it to be part of my maintenance strategy. However, when I came to the conclusion that I actually want/need to shed a few more pounds, and the realization that maintenance will never get me there, I came to terms with adding in exercise as part of my weight loss strategy. I normally don't enjoy it at all (and therefore the reason I make no promises about lifetime workouts). But I also normally bite off more than I can chew and am inconsistent. I tried very hard not to overdo yesterday. I have done bodypump about 3 times in the past. The first time was MISERABLE. I could barely walk for about 5 days. Seriously--5 days later and it was still difficult sitting down on the toilet! Yesterday I used the minimum amount of weights, but today I'm still feeling it pretty sore. Some of those moves are hard to go light on because so much of it is body weight (like lunges). BUT despite being sore, I enjoyed the class. At the time I felt like I could have been doing more (wasn't really sweating or puffing) but I'm glad I didn't. I focused on my form and going at such a slower pace gave me time to actually think about what my body was doing and reflect on where I've come from and appreciate what my body has done/is doing. I liked that feeling, so I'm focusing on that when I return to the gym.
Now...yoga. OH holy cow. They make it look so natural and graceful in the movies. On this one I clearly bit off more than I could chew and actually left halfway through the class, worried that to continue would put in jeopardy me returning for ANY classes again (including bodypump). This was a heated yoga class. I thought that'd be great because it would warm up my muscles. But it was also in the dark (are all yoga classes this way? Just the heated ones? Or was this one peculiar), and lots of people. So I couldn't see the moves. Plus I'm told this was a "flow" class which is more difficult? On the description it said "all levels" so I thought beginner was okay. I was wrong. Unfortunately it does not appear that my Golds in the area offer a strictly beginner class, and it looks like they are all "flow." I may look into a local yoga studio for a once a week beginner class to bring me up to speed--although I'm sure I'll have a fun time explaining to husband why I need to pay for a different exercise class besides the gym we pay for! I really like the idea of yoga. As someone with a lot of inherited back problems and breathing problems (severe asthmatic), I feel like yoga could be very helpful to my well being. But yesterday was a complete fail. The "basic" move downward dog was ridiculous! I felt like planking and my arms and legs were shaky. Could be that going after bodypump made it that much more difficult. We shall see. Something clicked with me yesterday where I started thinking of exercise as giving this gift to myself and my body rather than something I wanted to fight against and hate to do. There have been a lot of things I have not enjoyed doing in life (like studying for the bar exam) but did anyway because I knew it would be beneficial in the long run. So I hope I can stop thinking about what I enjoy doing in the short term and focus more on the gift I deserve--a thinner, healthier, stronger body.
After bodypump and yoga yesterday, husband and I went to a burger place for lunch. I was super hungry and thought "oh no, I could eat it all" but sure enough, half burger in and I was full--a bite or two more full than satisfied. I looked at that burger a long time. Thought about how good it tasted and how sad it looked to be going uneaten. But luckily my rational brain won over and I thought "what am I doing?! I'm full!". And then I told myself something I used to always say after eating out since WLS "I'm as satisfied as if I'd eaten the whole thing." I used to feel guilty if food went uneaten. That it was "wasted." And though I do often box up leftovers and that helps with this feeling, vocalizing "I'm every bit as satisfied as if I'd eaten the whole plate" has helped immensely. Because you can't ask for more than that! Fully satisfied in the sense of both physical satiety and emotional/cravings is as good as it gets. And unless I split with someone, there is no option to order a half hamburger. It was ALWAYS going to cost $8. And if I'm just as satisfied with half as I am with whole, where's the difference? I don't know if that makes sense, but if any of you struggle with this guilt over eating less, perhaps try telling yourself that you're as satisfied as if you'd eaten it all.
We had beautiful weather here yesterday, so a friend came over and helped my husband and me put together our new grill. We then invited a few more friends over and tested out burgers on the new grill. It was a fun and laid-back day, yet I felt like I got a lot accomplished. Hopefully I can say the same about today. Tonight I am having a couple friends over for our movie night screening of Citizen Kane. I think I will make pot roast with mashed potatoes and carrots. Have a wonderful day!
BB - I wonder if you just have not found the exercise you love yet? I can promise you that you won't stick with exercise if you don't find it enjoyable but it is so, so, so important for the maintenance of weight loss - much more important then for losing the weight. I would encourage you to explore many different types of exercise and find something that you love - it may not be a "class" at the gym - perhaps you would enjoy solo exercise better (like me - I don't like going to group classes). Try hiking, rollerblading, kayaking, swimming. As far as yoga goes, perhaps try a beginner DVD at home or one of the many free you-tube exercise videos. A month or so ago I went to a trampoline park with our scouting group - great exercise and I felt like a kid again. They have actual exercise classes there too!
I always take at least 1/2 of an out to eat dinner home to enjoy at a later time, unless it is sushi and then I just order one roll - no sides. That seems to work well for me!
I'm jealous about the grill out. I'm anxious for our weather to warm up enough to grill out again!
About yoga: I did my very first yoga class last June. I am now hooked. A few (ok, more than a few) comments.
I originally thought that hot yoga was THE yoga that everyone aspires to. Not true. All the yoga styles have their own value and people that have been doing it a long time might have one they prefer over another. But, there is no best. You went to a hot class, there are also warm classes and room temp classes. There are flow classes and slow flow and non flow classes. I go to all (except hot) and get something from all.
Personally, I find even the appearance of hot yoga classes to be off-putting. They are all dimly lit, usually packed, and afterward there is an excess of swea****er on the floor. All ewwww to me. It is true that the heat makes your muscles more able to stretch but there is a counter thought that the heat allows your muscles to stretch farther than they should and that the excessive stretch will cause even more tightness later in the day.
All that said, hot yoga is all the rage and many people LOVE it. But, from your description, it didn't sound like it was for you right now. That's ok. Truly.
"Flow classes" can be a couple of things but my guess in this case was that they held poses for less time as they moved thru the class. This is saying a lot because baseline hot yoga classes already move thru poses more quickly than most other forms of yoga. Nothing wrong with that but if you are a beginner you have little chance to even figure out what shape you are aiming for before they move on. Also, I have never been in a hot yoga class where the instructor offered much in the way of verbal queueing.
Early on, I used my computer to watch my dog-dog. OMG. I was traumatized. But, this is yoga. Even tho down-dog is considered a resting pose later on, it is not an easy pose for beginners. You are normal!!!!
Yes, you need an intro to yoga class or a few private lessons. I went the private lesson route (logistically easier) but either way you will learn the point of the different poses. Honestly, I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing with my muscles in any given pose. Here is a gal who has a million of on-line videos available, many geared towards newbies http://yogawithadriene.com But, nothing substitutes for in-person instruction so if you can swing that, it would be best.
Finally, an unexpected benefit for me is the mental piece/peace. I had a therapist during post WLS but eventually told her that I was going to take those dollars and try out yoga. She said "that will be good to quiet your mind" and I inside I am thinking "ARE YOU SAYING I HAVE A NOISEY MIND???" Anyway, I am in no way new-agey but yoga has quieted my mind I didn't expect and can't explain.
And, one last thing that might be the most important here.....yoga allowed me to see my body as it is and actually be ok with it tho it was exquisitely painful in the beginning. AFter decades of deliberately not-seeing my body, I have found neutrality in this area of my WLS journey. I don't seem to have the body dysmorphia of that most WLS peeps have. And, I can see people of all shapes and ages that can rock a class, any class. There is so much more to our body than our lumps and bumps.
Ultimately, my yoga journey mirrors my what I hope for my WLS journey, it is mine alone, no judgement, just self reflection and mindful intention.
Sorry for the length, I never expected to be so INTO this.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Thank you for this post!! I thought someone on here did yoga. And it's good to have a sounding board that understands.
Yes, this yoga class moved so quickly that I couldn't get into one position before the instructor was on the next. I too have a "noisey mind"--I'm such an overthinker! I just think that there are so many reasons that yoga would be helpful for me, and of any of my activity, I think it's the most likely to stick, so I definitely want to give it another try. I wish Gold's classes would work, but I'm really afraid all will be too fast.
Instructors at gyms vary a lot in background and what they bring to a class. At Golds, you might find an instructor that is more teaching focused vs work-it! focused. But, the only way to know is to try out different ones.
Yoga studios tend to have instructors that are more instruction/yoga focused and the excellent work-out/challenge comes almost as side benefit. There is a definite craft to putting together a good class/practice.
But, I am speaking in gross generalities....I am sure there are good and bad instructors at both.
Anyway, if it has some intrinsic appeal to you then definitely give this some time to explore and gel. I knew for decades that yoga was probably good for me but I insisted on doing all cardio, all of the time. The longer and faster the better. Nothing terribly wrong with that, but wish I would have diversified much earlier.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
I was just replying to Kairk and realized that I should have mentioned groupons for affordability. Around here, almost all studios have a groupon going at one time or another. They are typically just for people that are new to that particular studio but it is a huge cost savings.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Good Morning Friends-
Diane, Inversion has a fabulous sound ! Thanks so much for sharing that ! Paula, you received some great advice about finding your sweet spot, yesterday. The thing that has made a difference for me is eating under my sleeve but making sure I meet my calorie/macro targets. I have had to add a planned snack to do that, as with Shel, eating until "full" is a slippery slope for me. I'm finding my metabolism seems more consistent when I am consistent about eating at my calorie point.
Bonnie, it sounds like your had some major breakthroughs yesterday ! Great job reflecting and putting it out there to share with your supporters. I have immense awe for anyone who prepares for and passes the Bar. You have so got this ! I know you'll find some activities that provide that mind/spirit/body synergy it sounds like you value.
Devon, nice goal you put out there, too ! Linda, sorry about the declining hours. Positive thoughts for everyone else too...unpuff those eyes, and get everything accomplished you've got on your "weekend list".
I have two crock pots and love my six ounce cups of plain fat free Greek yogurt... no mixing, no straining... but I have to say, the corned beef I have in a crock pot and your vivid descriptions of how amazing your yogurts are and what the IP can do are starting to lure me !!
133's and grateful for a beautiful, sunny day to celebrate by being outside!
Age: 64; 5' 5"; High weight: 345; Start weight: 271 (01/05/15); Surgery weight: 218 (05/27/15); Pre-Op (-53); M 1 (-18); M 2 (-1.5); M 3 (-13.5 ); M 4 (-13); M 5 (- 8); M 6 (-12) M 7 (-5, Xmas); M 8 (- 9) Under surgeon's goal and REACHED HEALTHY BMI 12/07/15!! (Six months and one week.) AT GOAL month 8. Maintaining at goal range (139- 144) ~ four (4) years !!
Really? Bummer! Ron is IN LOVE with the yogurt I'm making in the IP. I am really loving it, too, though I'm probably a bit more fussy than he is.
I sweetened the batch I made yesterday with Splenda. It's good, but it does thin it out a bit. Who knew?
What are you using for a starter? That could be the game changer.