VSG Maintenance Group
Hump Day, 02/24/16
Well Devon,
I did exactly what you said yesterday, for whatever reason I was hungry yesterday and it was real hunger at least I think it was. I have been avoiding my afternoon snack for no other reason than - just didn't feel like having anything for the past week or so. Yesterday = hungry = my choice of 3 oz of grilled chicken breast. I walked right by the two boxes of various chocolate bars for sale on the counter outside my office door.
I am planning for chocolate on Saturday and that makes it easier to walk by the bars. One of my work mates attended a gala on the weekend and on the table they were given a box containing two decadent chocolates. He saved his and brought it for me. Cute! He knows I love chocolate he also knows that plan for it. So he gave it to me yesterday so that I could plan it. I work for the military and all the people I work with are very disciplined in their choices, so he understands and gets it.
Good morning, everyone!
Diane, when I went off diuretic for blood pressure I lost 4 less pounds that month than the months around it. When the diuretic was restarted 6 months later for a different reason, I lost an additional 4 lbs than the months around it. I know you know it is jus****er moving in and moving out, but I want you to know in your BONES that it is jus****er ebbing and flowing.
Paula, hope you find some peace in the usual work rhythms today.
Lorna, you are doing great! The scale will eventually cooperate!
Mary, your dance class truly sounds like a lot of fun, both in content and people.
Carbon, you will move forward! One day in the grand scheme? Nothing!
122.9 this morning, no wrap on my arm. Being in the 122's is my lowest adult weight and the weight I was at when the goat blessed me with its sacred urine when I was a sick, dehydrated Peace Corps volunteer. This might only be the 2nd or 3rd time since VSG that I have been in the 122's. So, lets all go buy lotto tickets because today is special!
Because I am me, I weighed my arm bandages and they weigh 8.9 oz's. I assume that I will be rewrapped today at lymphedema therapy although the arm is massively better! So grateful for the specialists and for my husband who was willing to learn how to wrap me in between appointments.
I originally missed Kairk's diet post but discovered it last night. Great conversation. No surprise, I have many similar behaviors to all of you in my reactions to having food restricted in any way. But, you noticed that I said food restricted, not diet. For me, the word diet is much more of a noun, maybe because that is how I routinely use it in the work setting. At work, diet is much more about content, neutral, and not emotionally laced.
Enjoy you all!

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Lol weighing the bandage - that's so like me!
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
159 today. Up :( Trying to remember, though, that I weigh every day to take power away from the scale so that I never have too much to be afraid of, can own up to it, and move on. So that's exactly what I'm doing today!
B-1 slice cinnamon swirl bread, 1 scrambled egg, coffee with creamer
L-?? Didn't bring my lunch today and so I'll probably be eating out. May work on my coworkers to eat some place healthy options.
S-greek yogurt at some point
D-Some type of chicken, rice, and broccoli. May try out an orange chicken recipe, or my husband's favorite (requiring me to go to the grocery store) is chicken saltimbocca
I've missed you all and have been trying to read and keep up. There are lots of things going on at work and I am barely keeping my head above water. (I am co-president of our school's teacher association.) I've been stress eating and the scale showed 161# this am. (insert lots of bad words) While I'm trying to protect my skinny, I'm trying to protect my students, my school and my job...what a task when you have Legislators who have lost their freakin' minds!!!!!! (has to do with doing away with public education in the state of Oklahoma and other such nonsense) As a teacher, I feel beat down...it really is a shame that our profession has come to this! However, all is forgotten when my students are in the classroom and I'm doing what I was meant to do...
My plan...I am back on track veering off for a moment and stopped myself. I am trying to be kind to myself although I "feel" FAT! I look in the mirror and don't like what I see...I know this too shall pass. So, my plan for the day is to pray....eat only protein and veggies, pray, work out with my trainer, pray....and go to bed!
Thanks for listening...I will try to get caught up this weekend:)
Hugs. Love. Prayers.
I read the changes the OK senate sub committee made to the original proposed legislation. They are seriously out of their minds. I also don't understand how they propose to fund this educational plan since it really looks like they are advocating for the privatization of education in Oklahoma. In the US K-12 education is to be provided by the government at no cost. That's the law. What your state legislators are proposing won't be able to qualify for state funding since it removes the need for teachers to be licensed or credentialed by the state. I'm curious what these legislators will require, if anything, to put a teacher in the classroom. As you and I and Diane O know, teaching is not a craft that comes easily to most people. Those of us who are teachers at our core know the years it takes to hone our craft and become highly effective teachers. So, so sorry you are having to deal with this lunacy!
Hey I'm in OK! Didn't realize you were too until I read this.
I don't really know what's going on except there was some proposal to do-away with public education. I figured it was just some attempt at news attention by a state legislator. I don't know what the solution is, but I can agree that changes need to be made to Oklahoma education or let's just say spending altogether. I know taxpayers are frustrated because they feel like they are continually promised money will go towards education (ahem, the lottery, I'm lookin' at you) and yet it seems like that money disappears, teacher's pay is dismal, and test scores are appalling. I believe I read something to the effect that Oklahoma has one of the highest tax rates, despite all of our "conservatism." And yet where does it go?! Certainly not to education, certainly not to the roads! And on top of all that, with oil prices where they are, I know the state coffers are dry.
What to do, what to do?
Thanks for fighting the fight. Regardless of which side of the aisle you are on, I always appreciate that there are people to stand up and fight for what they believe instead of standing by.
Hi all,
197.1 today. Only 1.2 pounds away from being in the 195s. (Thank you Shel for the idea of 195.0 - 195.9 being a range! I love that! Talk about micro goals! LOL!)
2 hours in the dentist's chair yesterday for three teeny tiny spots of decay. Dentist was very apologetic for the length of time to do the work, but he had a patient in the next room over that clearly had a major something or other done. There was talk of antibiotics and sutures. blech....
Food was very much on point yesterday. Calories were low (1100), carbs at 40, protein only 96 (boooo!). Have to tweak the macros today to make sure I get the protein up over 100.
Starting to work on a short article about the Gift of Regain. Yep, I really do consider my regain a gift. There is no way I would be where I am with self acceptance without having had to struggle through the regain. It's going to be a challenge to keep the article at 1500 words.
Diane O, is the name of the book you like so much Refuse to Regain, Regain Refusal, or something like that? I thought I'd like to order it. Thanks! Can you tell me the name of the author, too.
Happy Hump Day!