VSG Maintenance Group
Thursday. Feb 18th I think.
on 2/18/16 6:44 am - NJ
My insane dogs woke me up 6 times last night. I don't know what was going on with them, one was thirsty and woke up the other so they barked until I woke up to refill the water. Then, one needed to go out (from drinking too much water in the middle of the night). The other times could have been a random, unauthorized car or human on our road that needed to be announced? Then the garbage was collected early.
The other brother behaved all night.
Hashtag tired.
158.8 today. Up 2lbs. Knew it was coming. The "my husband is safe" hotdog and beer last night didn't help either. Still in a much better place than I was 10 days ago. Feeling doable again.
Layoffs continue today. So sad.
Since several of you are weighing in on plastics or are interested in it, I want to say just a few words. I do want to stress this is only my personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt.
I had a Tummytuck and breast aug on 12/17/13, about 2 1/2 years after reaching maintenance, and 3 1/2 years after surgery. The guidelines I was given was to be at MAINTENANCE for 1 year before having plastics. Now, 2 years post-plastics, I can tell you I wish I'd lost even more weight. I had the TT/BA because it seemed like that's just what people do. I highly, highly, highly regret the breast aug. This was the only area where I was ever small both before and post wls. I didn't have stretched out skin. And honestly the only reason I did it was kind of peer pressure. I also had the most complications with this procedure. I think it's done so often we get the idea it's a simple surgery, especially as compared to TT. Not true. At least not in my experience. I had horrendous pain for an entire month post-op. My surgeon I guess thought I was lying and was about to take away my pain meds! At 4 weeks post op, the incision burst open and out came all this infected goo. Sorry TMI. But this was obviously some of the reason for my discomfort. I had an infection in the "pocket" and went on antibiotics but to no avail. I had to have them removed 4 weeks later. And, because I was getting married and my skin was now stretched out, like a dodo I had them put back in June 2014 before my wedding. Now I dream about the day I will get them out. I think this might have something to do about my body dysmorphia, but I have always felt heavier since then. Even with having 4.8lbs. of skin removed from my stomach, and finding out I'm at about my pre-plastics weight, I feel big and I think it's the boobs. So enough about boobs. I'm willing to concede that I'm not your usual case and also that I had a rough surgery and recovery.
On tummy tuck. I think it was worth it. Although only slightly. My husband says it was definitely worth it. It's a $$$$ surgery. And usually a pretty difficult recovery. And there are scars, etc. I wanted to feel about this surgery the way I did about VSG. No way. I have never felt so good after plastics as I did after WLS. I guess maybe the skin didn't bother me as much. I'm always shocked how many people message me pre-surgery about skin as if it would be a dealbreaker to them. It was not for me. So maybe I just don't care as much. My surgeon said I was an excellent candidate for TT. I had lost a lot of weight, kept it off, and my stomach looked like I had carried quadruplets. Her only apprehension was performing a TT on someone who had not had children yet. I felt like I could handle having a mommy body POST kids. But I didn't like looking like I had quadruplets before. Not after all that hard work! They removed 4.8lbs. of skin from my stomach. And compared to the BA, recovery was much easier. The scar isn't even that bad. It's pretty low/pantyline. And even though you can see it at the line of a bikini bottom, it has lightened up and I don't think anyone would know what they were looking at unless they studied it pretty hard. Which would be creepy. I guess my disappointment with the TT was I expected it would turn me into a model belly. Underneath is just a non-perfect still-slightly-pudgy belly. I feel better in a bikini but I by no means rock one. Was it $$$$ worth it to me? Ehhhh. Well I have it so I'll go with a yes. I should also warn you that when they start removing bulk from some areas, it has a tendency to make other areas larger by contrast. For example, I did not have the circumferential TT, so it stops as my hip bone. Therefore there's a bit of a "muffin top" or "dog ear" or "love handle" on each side where the incision stops. Also, I think my hips look a little bigger. These are just things you don't think about that I wish I had considered first. I also think these are reasons why people start having more and more plastics. Since plastics I can tell you I definitely look at myself in the mirror more and critique. I wi**** was the opposite. Maybe that's me. But I think once I started to scratch that itch I just kept scratching.
Now I know numerous people who are tremendously happy with plastics. I think if I had managed my expectations better I would've been happier. Also, maybe knowing some of the concerns like "dog ears"/"love handles" will enable you to discuss with your surgeon beforehand and come up with a good solution.
Hope I haven't discouraged anyone. I just wanted to give my story in case it could help
Thanks for sharing your insight! It is very helpful. My next plastics consult is in early March and there is much to consider. I have few people to discuss with.
About boobs surgery in general: even with NO boobs due to mastectomy, I haven't had the will to go thru with reconstruction because I know so many people that had complications even without my history. Long surgery, long recovery and complications. I just don't have time for that. My husband wishes I would have it done so there is that. And, it would be covered by insurance. Still, I am not interested at this time.
About boob size: I wear breast prosthesis (TMI, sorry if this is uncomfortable for anyone) and currently have D's which were fine when I was at my heaviest. Now I feel and look a bit top heavy....and now that I think about it, my bust circumference is bigger than my hips. (Mind blowing!) Anyway, I am going to go get new boobs....B or C. Have to go try them on and see. Anyway, I get how you feel heavier with the bigger visual up top.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Thank you for sharing your experience as well.
I do think that plastics surgeons make a breast augmentation seem like a piece of cake. It was not for me.
I also think post-wls patients have a lot more going on. Both physically the difference in removing skin from someone who was obese, and also mentally. It's a lot to adjust to. For me I did not expect the breast augmentation to affect me mentally as much as it has. This has been such a roller coaster of a 6 years. My head is still taking time to catch up.
I wasn't planning on getting new boobs at all (and still may not) but after I got to goal I really noticed that I have NO breast mass left. Just sagging skin. I've been a C forever (probably closer to a D at my heaviest) and not I'm not sure if I am even a B - I guess if I push up the sag I would be.
Even without plastics, I like my body way better now then I did a year ago!
Thanks so much for the commentary on your plastics experience! I totally admire your honesty about the subject. Plastics is something I struggle with. When I am at my "perfect weight" I have a little drape that hangs in a swag from both sides of my navel. It's the weirdest looking thing, but small enough that it's hidden in clothes and even a bathing suit (if it's high enough waisted). I've got minor bat wings (which for a guy I think is far more hideous than on a woman), but I don't think they are worth the scar. I had upper and lower blepharoplasty in 2014. I love the result, but my eyelids are still tight, tight, tight and if I don't use eye lubricant at night I sometimes have horrendous dry eye in the morning to the point of extreme pain. Would I do it again, yes. But I wish I had fully understood how horrible dry eye can be. It feels like your eye was rubbed with sandpaper during the night and it takes the major part of the day to repair itself.
For me a LBL is going to be around 17K ( I am afraid to go to Mexico). It's a lot of money and I'm just not sure it's really worth it, but I really would like to have that excess removed and see the fruits of my labor. Nothing I have to worry about until the summer of 2017 anyhow.
198.8 - down .5 this morning. All was on point on the food front, but I did indulge in a Quest Bar that I remembered was in my bag. (I went to GNC after my b'day workout and "treated" myself to a Quest bar. Well, it was buy one, get one 50% off, so...). Probably didn't need the extra carbs, but most of them are non digestible, so no harm, no foul.
The laws of physiology and biology are catching up with me. As I get smaller my calories have to become fewer to continue to lose at an acceptable rate to me. My daily calorie goal is 1167 now. I'm managing, but it's not super easy. I could ease up on some of my higher fat food items, but they do seem to keep me sated. I could also lose my evening PB habit. It really is nothing more than habit, but I do enjoy it. A work in progress I am!
Mind set: I am excited that I will not be needing to buy any new summer clothes this year. (This does not preclude that I may want to buy new clothes!) I tried on a pair of "goal sized" shorts this week. They were most definitely snug, but they buttoned up without difficulty. By May/June I'm certain they will be 100% comfortable.
Have to plan and prepare food for tomorrow, too. It's a dog show day. Always a tough food day for me at a show. This one is harder in particular due to the free doughnuts and cake the club provides ALL DAY LONG. I will be strong, focused and make sure everything I eat tomorrow is a choice, not an impulse of a "what the hell" decision.
Glad to have Mary back and posting.
Hi All,
Well I missed checking in yesterday. Had to rush off to gallery duty and a lot to do before I left. 129 yesterday and today so thats ok. The gallery was slow so I just dusted everything and walked in circles. Afternoon was better - more productive at the studio. Might fire a raku load today if the wind remains calm.
Sounds like everyone has good plans for maintenance. Good luck to all of you considering plastics. I decided just to live with my skin as the thing that is worst is inner thighs and thats a pretty miserable surgery. Someday I may get a face lift as thats what shows the most. Living in a cool climate means I rarely want to wear shorts and a t shirt covers most of the bat wings. Plus I can pretend I weigh 5 or more pounds less with the skin.
Yeah I hate it when my fitbit dies. I have lost several - one went through the wash. Hmmm, I wonder if I put fitbit in a sock in the dryer and set it on fluff it it would add up a zillion steps from bouncing. I wonder what it would register if I put it on my dog while we walk. tee hee
Not much excitement here. Made hot and sour soup last night from a mix and added seared tofu and an egg drop. It was pretty good.
Diane s