VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Wednesday 1/30
Good morning. Warm here again today, but temperatures supposed to plummet this afternoon/evening and be 30 degrees colder tomorrow. I'm already ready for spring!
Still no weight today. Two more days on the steroids, then a few days for recovery and I'm back to daily weighing. Think my body is dumping fluids as the dose ramps down though, as I had to run to the necessarium about 5 times last night.
How is your week going>
Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22
175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012
Good Morning - high of 66 today - yay!! 158.4 today. Don't quite have this maintenance thing figured out. Up, down, not doing much differently. But I am really tired being back at a very demanding job and doing physical therapy 2-3 times per week. That must play a role.
Everyone have a great hump day!
Up down up down is actually pretty normal. No-one stays at one dead-on weight. It's when there is a long term up or down pattern in the up down (like up down up up down up down up up) where you are gradually bouncing around a higher number that you need to be concerned.
You'll build your stamina back up before you know it for the job!
Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22
175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012
Sleepy as heck today. Leg cramps during the night again and we had to go spend some time in a downstairs bathroom over a tornado warning in our area. Luckily no damage - just high winds and blown over trees.
"necessarium" - Love that, I will have to use that. I am glad you are dumping the fluid, I know how that feels.
160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks. My Goal in 37 Weeks.
VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy: 7/22/2013
Count down till Friday!

http://www.youtube.com/user/72Crabadams Me rambling about my journey : )

You're ramping down and I am starting up on the steroids.
Tweeked my knee on last Saturday's run and it has been swelling ever since. By Sunday evening my weight was up 7 lbs - that's a lot of inflammation! Fortunately there was no new injury I just messed with my already torn lateral meniscus. Starting 6 days of oral steroids today. Hoping to be back to running this evening - nothing too hard. 1/2 marathon is less than 2 weeks away. Doesn't look like I will make it to 155 lbs by then like I wanted.
Today's weight is 159.4 - that's 2 down from yesterday 5 since Sunday. I guess all this R.I.C.E.ing is helping.
We had one heck of a blizzard yesterday. Snow and very strong winds. We stayed home as travel on the highways was not recommended, but unfortunately I can work from home so I didn't get a day off, only a day working at home. Its snowing a little today, but its much better because there is hardly any wind.
163.0 today.
Have a great day everyone.