VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Tuesday 11/6
OK, brrrrrrr. Got up this morning early, scraped a hard frost off the car and went to my polling place. I wanted to be there when it opened at 6 AM so I could be at work by 7 AM. Line started piling up around 5:40 so I got out of the car and stood there freezing for 20 minutes until the polls opened. Got into the office and turned on the big space heater plus BOTH my little personal heaters, then spent 5 minutes rubbing my hands in front of one of the small ones like it was a dryer.
In other news, the new Oliver Sacks book releases today, woohoo!
Today's weight: 139.4
How is your morning going?
Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22
175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012
Still below 180, but going in the wrong direction. 177 puts me where I was before surgery so I am using that as my "Waterline" as you will to measure swelling against. I still have a bit to go. I know the swelling will continue for months. I am just being impatient.
The good news is that I have already dropped a pant size. I had to buy a pair of size 32 jeans and a new belt.
160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks. My Goal in 37 Weeks.
VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy: 7/22/2013
Glad I voted last week. I'm watching movies tonight, I will catch the results tomorrow.

http://www.youtube.com/user/72Crabadams Me rambling about my journey : )

177.7. Grappling with wanting to eat over emotions today. So far, I'm recognizing what's going on and not giving in, but there have been a few moments when I wanted to say "the hell with it!". Made a decision to give up my second job, as being on my feet for hours, I'm in pain more with my bad knee. Also, yesterday, I had to call in due to a crisis going on in my regular job that went on beyond the end of the day. I'm on-call 24/7, which usually isn't a problem, but is getting to be. I geared myself up and went to speak to the HR person a little while ago, and she wasn't there. On the way out, what was going through my mind was "what can I eat and get away with". Old tapes that I am slowing trying to replace with new ones like "what's going on here that you want to eat?" "what can you do instead", etc. So I came here, as I knew you all would understand. Thanks!