VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Saturday 9/22
The good life!
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
It really does feel better to be light on the feet.

http://www.youtube.com/user/72Crabadams Me rambling about my journey : )

It used to be that mowing my yard counted as major exercise. Now it doesn't even get my heart rate into the training zone. I only burned 240 calories mowing the yard just now.
It is funny how being able to do things now changes our personalities. I get frustrated and feel deprived when I can't run like this past week.
I'm doing an arbor walk with DH tomorrow. It turns out that the people coming to see the house didn't get here until 1. So we wound up being house tied all morning - WAAAH. I'm gonna bake some bread tonight (DH wants Pain Perdu for breakfast) so that it'll be properly stale for the morning then go for a walk.
The scones I baked for staging the house went over well. Two people today told us that we should go into catering. Thankfully we were able to give the rest away! I had one - they had to go! If they hadn't I'd probably have had another one.
160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks. My Goal in 37 Weeks.
VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy: 7/22/2013
The only thing I know for sure is that I can walk. Unfortunately, we live in the country and our road is not safe to walk on. I use the treadmill on occasion, but I really don't like it. Its like going nowhere fast! I thought of trying an elliptical. Do you think that doing my workouts on an elliptical would be a little more interesting than walking on a treadmill?
For me, the cardio portion of my workout is "me" time. I've come to rely on that 30 or 60 minutes each weekday to unwind and regroup.