VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Monday 9/10
Today's weight: 139.2
I think I've solved the mystery of my recent weight loss. When I went to put my shoes on yesterday, I noticed that I had normal ankles. I have had edema in my ankles to varying degrees for ever. It's not horrible - ranges from puffy to what INgirl calls "cankles" - but it's always, always there. Yesterday, nada. None.
Anyway, I don't imagine it's completely gone forever, but today is day 2 with zero edema, which is two more days than I've had in at least 15 years.
How are you this fine Monday?
Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22
175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012
19th anniversary today.
I'm hearing the Bangles "manic Monday" in my head.

http://www.youtube.com/user/72Crabadams Me rambling about my journey : )

186.6 On the way back down. I was doing my best not to panic at it going back up - but I have to admit I was sweating it a bit.
Just got back from my final visit to the eye doctor - Everything is perfect! 20/15 in the right eye 20/20 in the left. No need for glasses right now - First time since like 8th grade. He gave me a scrip anyway - said I might need some correction at night as we progress into winter.
I may fill it anyway just to make my insurance company put out the money. They have pissed me off.
I am switching my running schedule from M-W-F to T-TH-SA to better fit in with work and support group schedules. My Mondays and Fridays are bunching up.
T-23 Days to my next surgery!
160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks. My Goal in 37 Weeks.
VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy: 7/22/2013
I'm noting that the smaller I am, the less I tend to hold on a day to day basis.. and of course with the weather shifting to cooler temps, not even as much as I used to. I can def do things to make it happen, but for the most part, I now always have an ankle bone without the pillow underneath/over it.
Went to the park yesterday for a nice long walk with my husband, then dropped by the beach where some friends were having a BYOL (bring your own lobster) boil.. sans lobster (it is 5mins from the park, same lake).. just to say hi and hang out for a bit.. The lobster carnage was impressive, next year we will get there early with lobster in hand. Nibbled on pistachios and had some wine and watched the sun set. Nice weekend all around.
Got asked by someone we see intermittently how exactly I managed to lose it so quickly - so I told, and in doing- revealed my surgery to a couple newer friends that had never known me big. It was kind of an odd feeling to me.. I sort of liked the illusion that they never knew me previously and only knew me as the active thinner Jo. Of course, these folks have never seen me in a bathing suit either, as that would totally shatter that illusion with my shar-pei arms & legs..
Down to 141.9 today.
i am still doing the p90 workout series. must have done something to one hip yesterday as its sore today. getting older sucks but its so much better than getting older while being fat. good day to all. diane
Today I am wanting LASIK. My contact lenses bother me almost constantly these days. I made a consult appt for later this month. Can't come soon enough. *sigh*
Other than that, I am super tired from jet lag. Woke up at midnight last night and struggled to get much sleep. Gonna be a long day (maybe a long week).
5'5" Goal reached, but fighting regain. Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246 Goal Weight 160 Current Weight 183
Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L