VSG Maintenance Group
Has anyone tried this Paleo bread?
on 8/4/12 3:17 am
If you try it- let me know what you think of it..
There are a lot of low-carb/grain-free recipe sites out there, I've gotten my interest piqued enough that I bought the ingr. to do some of it.. If you've tried baking grain free- I'd be interested in your experiences!
on 8/4/12 12:07 pm
I've baked quite a bit with ground flax, ground almond and ground coconut back in the Atkins days, however, the recipes always called for vital wheat gluten, which of course, is no longer an option for me. You made me think about it and wonder if I could take some of those recipes and make them work without the VWG.
My interest in it is also the weight thing
I have a friend who is Paleo, and also happens to be a doctor, she totally believes in the Paleo lifestyle for health reasons. I'm not sure I can go that gung-ho diet wise though. I'm already gluten free and recently learned I am lactose intolerant thanks to getting my gallbladder out. I am already so limited on food that I think the Paleo diet would make me feel deprived and miserable...LOL I'll just stick to low carb for now!! I've also found some really great low carb recipe sites.
My friend told me one of her other friends ordered 2 loaves of that Paleo bread and it came in moldy, with the company not responding to her complaint. She herself, just ordered 4 loaves. She is going to let me know if it comes in good and mold free. I was ready to order it, but I will wait now to see if she has a good experience.
What's your favorite low carb recipe site?
I also have a few folks in my life that are strict paleo- I can't live without cheese and fermented/cultured dairy.. I could care less to drink it raw (which I loved..) but I love my cultures! Does fermented or cultured dairy bug your guts post GB, or just straight up milk? Kefir was great for my guts..I loved raw milk when we had a cow-share, couldn't deal with store bought due to lactose issues.. the raw, unhomogenized full-fat slowed down the sugar thing and let me enjoy it w/o issue.. but it's too high in sugars/cals to do right now, maybe someday.. plus I really preferred fermented milk or home-made cheese anyway (I border on the weird fermented/cultured foodie fringe, I dig the sour.)
My fav low carb sites are:
http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/ Then I like these for things like comfort food and nutritional info fun.. I have yet to experiment with any of this nut flour stuff, so I anticipate some fabulous flops in my future, but if I come across a winner, I'd share with you for sure.. heck, if you know enough folks that may be interested in this stuff, I'd be willing to start a small group? I'm kinda committed to eating fairly grain free save for the indulgence evenings that pop up... and if you know of anything fun- please let me know. http://mariahealth.blogspot.com/ http://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/ http://247lowcarbdiner.blogspot.com/ http://peaceloveandlowcarb.blogspot.com/
on 8/5/12 8:19 am, edited 8/5/12 8:28 am
I've been reading the sites you posted and LOVE them!!!! I see a lot of the recipes call for coconut milk. I use coconut milk creamer in coffee, and recipes, and coconut milk instead of regular milk in my shakes. I have most of the ingredients already for many of the recipes because of being GF and Dairy free.
I hear ya, VWG was the gold standard of low carb baking, but those days are gone, and there has to be another way to make them work.
I love the sour too, and the funky weird cheeses. I miss them so much. I was thinking though, that I could buy some lactaid, that way I could still eat some dairy. I'll save it for special cheeses and sour cream. I actually don't drink milk. I don't like it.
And yes, I predict some fabulous flops in my kitchen in the future too....

Do we already have a grain free group? Is the clean eating group a grain free group?
I live in Indiana, so to get around the stupid raw milk ban you can buy a "cow share".. I'm sure if they have their way, someday they will put an end to that.. I can't deal with store-milk at all after having real pastured milk for so long, the taste and GI issues I get from commercial.. so until I need to really either start doing cheese again, or upping my fat/cals (doubtful) our cow-share is on hold.
I don't know about the groups anymore, I haven't been around as much- I check in here, and on the main board usually 1x a day, sometimes if I'm bored, I'll hang out at night and pop in..
I've been striving to eat Primal because I'm not ready to give up dairy and make the Paleo switch, but it's very interesting to me. I've been doing a lot of reading on both. I also want to check out Crossfit when my plastics are completed.
I'm on vacation for 12 days, staying with friends in Oregon, so for the next week I'm just trying to keep things heathly, fresh, organic and sleeve friendly. I'm always reminded of how much I love my kitchen and simple way of eating.
Let me know if you try the Paleo bread.
HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
But the gyms can be kind of macho and that can lead to people doing more than they should and getting injured. So the key is to both pick a good gym and also to listen to your body and not the part of your brain that likes to "win". LOL
HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Definitely, listening to one's body is key, and the woman that I observed, probably should have shifted to less intense exercise, since her form was suffering.
I would like to try it, but I was irritated that medical personnel didn't receive a discount. Maybe, I will try it again. I just wanted to see what the class was all about.