VSG Maintenance Group
VSG Maintainers: Munches & Crunches 6/7 Thursday
on 6/7/12 8:38 am

Coffee with coconut milk
B- Designer whey protein shake with 1% MILK
Coffee with coconut milk
L-Ian's gluten free chicken patty with an ounce of melted asiago cheese
and one small Roma tomato.
Coffee with coconut milk
D- 2 scoops of designer whey protein powder with coconut milk
exercise-lazy swimming, my lungs are not working well enough to pu****
B: one scrambled egg, 1/2 sausage patty
S: yogurt, 1/4 cup cheerios, fresh fruit
L: apple with peanut butter
S: cheddar cheese
D: pizza stuffed chicken breast, broccoli
water: done
vitamins: multi done, calcium/D later
exercise: none today... doing my first 10K on Saturday!!!
5'5" Goal reached, but fighting regain. Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246 Goal Weight 160 Current Weight 183
Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L
on 6/7/12 10:31 am
AWW thanks.....
You are so right about gluten free getting big. I just hope the people who are doing it as a fad diet don't cause restaurants to not take the truly GF by medical necessity seriously and then get careless with our food preparation. I usually whip out my epi-pen and tell them if they make me sick, they will have to stick me with the epi-pen and call 911. This usually causes a knee jerk reaction and restaurant staff to take me very seriously, and insure my food is safe for me to eat. I let them know I am not a GF fad dieter, that I am the real deal.
However; I think a lot more people are getting diagnosed with gluten issues and more people are getting proper testing because of the new awareness. This is a really good thing, and is making GF even more up front and in the news.
I appreciate the restaurants that have put a GF menu in place and have trained their staff in GF proper/safe preparation.
I don't do restaurants often, almost never really, but it's nice to be able to have more than coffee while my family eats on occasion. My favorite is BJ's brewhouse. They have a really great GF training program in place for their staff, same with PF Chang's. Neither place have ever caused me ill health.
One sleeve friendly gluten free old standby is Wendy's chili, they've never made me sick either.
Since your on the inside, anything new?
The fad diet part of this is really pushing the envelope. I think the folks who self-diagnose themselves as gluten intolerant or gluten allergic make the waters really muddy for the scientific and medical communities who are trying to focus on people who truly have those conditions (like you!).
Hopefully this whole situation results in more products that are gluten free so folks like you can have more variety while staying healthy. But there's some fear that it could swing things the other way, similar to what I said above.
5'5" Goal reached, but fighting regain. Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246 Goal Weight 160 Current Weight 183
Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L
on 6/7/12 1:17 pm, edited 6/11/12 1:45 am
I am so impressed by your knowledge and understanding of GF, you must have had to work hard to learn this for your career.
B2: 2 1/2oz Swiss Cheese
L: 1c Brunswick Stew (Smokey Bones)
S: 1/2c Chicken Salad
D: Clif Mojo Bar & Red Wine
S: Protein Coffee & Peanut Butter Protein Balls
S2: ?
Calories: 1,496
Protein: 115g
Carb: 86
Fat: 66g
Sodium: 2096
Exercise: contemplating running at the gym, may rest. working still
Water: Good
Vites: Done
Today was an eye opener for me.
Woke up late, ran only half the usual 2.5 miles (.5 hours) then stopped at DD for small ice coffee and the egg wrap thinggy which I only eat 2/3 of. about 200 cals and 10 or so grams of protein plus the 5 grams and 100 cals for the cream, total 300 cals and 15 grams pro
Went for the bone density test and they weighed me and it was 143!!!
Oh hell no!!
So the rest of the day was protein shakes, 1-2oz piece of chicken, 1 piece of ff cheese, 2 buffalo wings.
900 calories
90 grams protein
all my fluids
Repeat tomorrow if the scale does not say 139 tomorrow...maybe even if it does.. just sayin.
Officially scared straight.
L: cup of my Middle Eastern soup
D: went out for sushi. I hat the inside of one California roll, no rice, and ikura, no rice. I know, totally strange dinner, but it tasted good to me. I have no idea how to even begin to count the calories on this. My guess is that I ate too little today.
Oh yeah, after my workout, I had 1/2 scoop of protein powder shake with water.
I be I am still under 1,000 calories. Oh well, tomorrow is the weekend, and I am planning on having some ribs.