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I refuse to age gracefully! A novella

(deactivated member)
on 4/15/11 1:37 pm
Kathy, you are right!  Sometimes I just think too much. I had a funny thing happen to me today.  I went to get my hair done, and I was waiting for my stylist, while she was working on a good looking guy's hair.  He kept smiling at me and trying to make eye contact.  After he left and I got in the chair to have my hair done, the phone in the salon rang.  My stylist answered and laughed and kept saying "no, it would not be a good idea".  After she got off the phone, she told me that it was the guy who just left.  He wanted to know if she thought it would be a good idea to ask me out for some coffee after my haircut.  My stylist knows that I am happily married and told him it was a "no go".  I have to say, this made my day.  I totally love my husband and would never step out on him, but to get this kind of attention just floors me sometimes.  I felt invisible for so many years before the VSG.  It really feels like a small miracle.
Ms Shell
on 4/15/11 1:04 am - Hawthorne, CA
Since my mother was a mother from starting at 20 and had my at 40 MOST of her life was raising children.  She would often tell me stories of things she wish she would have done etc etc.

So I VOWED to leave this world WORN from MY presence.  I have done things at 345 that NO one would have dreamed and am damn proud of every single moment.  I will NOT go gracefully into the night EVER!!

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/11 2:01 am
Ms. Shell, you and your attitude have been an inspiration to me from the time on got on this board.  You are a true original. 
Ms Shell
on 4/17/11 1:48 am - Hawthorne, CA
Thanks Elina...I just learned EARLY there are enough people OUT in the word that tell you "you can't do this, shouldn't do that" that I refused to tell it to myself.  I CAN do anything I WANT to do!!

I'm thrilled that everyone is learning it now...it's never to late

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Jean in the I E
on 4/15/11 2:21 am - Fontana, CA

I agree with you Elina...I turn 40 in less than 2 months and I'm actually looking forward to it!!! My 30's were filled with missing out on so much - kind of an oxymoron - and I feel as though I'm making up for it now that I'm so much smaller than I've been since high school.

My hubby loves all the new stuff I'm willing to try both inside and outside the house *wink*... My sons also like having a mom who can out pace them on most days! Life is good!

Jean  I'm 45, 5' 4-1/2" -- 315/272/230 -- 43 lbs lost pre-op
"Progress, not perfection..." ~Dr. Roger Gould
Breast reduction & lift - 11/11/11 (sooo wonderful!!!)

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/11 2:07 am
I am so happy for you and your hubby.  Let's raise a drink to the 40's.  So far they are starting out pretty well. 
on 4/15/11 5:43 am
Hi Elina,

      Medical science has made so many advances that I refuse to age gracefully. I am going to take full advantage of everything that is out there. They were teasing me at work one day, I work in a recovery room with other nurses, because I am the go to girl on the latest things in plastics, skin care, healthy eating, vitamins, etc. But, all of them are on their second tube of Latisse. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good at any age. It's the reward of living a healthy, active life. I am sitting here recovering from thigh surgery, (Dr Saucedo), and I am at my laptop preparing for my next thing, which will be my skin. I am an attractive woman, and I plan to stay that way as long as possible! I am an RN but also work as a Legal Nurse Consultant, so staying "pretty" gives me a business edge as well. Let's face it, this is a competitive world!  love your  attitude. I am so tired of reading some of these posts who say things like, well I'm (insert age), so I should just settle, blah, blah. Not me! why should I? Am I vain? Hell yeah!, and proud of it, because my vanity and strength is what got me through a very difficult life, it's the reason I'm still here, breathing. It's the reason I can fly to Monterrey by myself, get thigh surgery, and recover like a champ.  Before VSG, I was very depressed and had given up, I was just existing. Now, I am fully alive and plan to celebrate every day in as heallthy and as pretty a body as I can get!
(deactivated member)
on 4/15/11 6:07 am
Love your respone, but let's get serious now, tell me more about this Latisse you speak of.  I have been reading a bit about it, but it sounds like you have some first hand experience.  Please share it with me. 

You are very brave to go to Mexico by yourself.  Please let me know how the experience was for you. 
on 4/15/11 6:42 am
Hey Elina,

     I'm not brave, Just not stupid.  I'm well aware of the dangers out there,not just Mexico, but any place these days, and so is Dr S, he checks on me daily. I pretty much stay within walking distance of my hotel....and I  have become adept at entertaining myself since I travel a great deal, laptop, smartphone, books etc. Plus, I am just now doing my taxes, nuff said on all that,  let's get to your real question.....I just finished a 3 month assignment in Seatlle, and flew back home to New Orleans last Monday.
     When I left, my nurse clique at work had started on their first bottle of Latisse. So, I met up with two of them for French quarter fest. Anyway, their lashes look fantastic! Long and curly. Both of them have said they suffered none of the side effects, and have ordered their second bottle. That said, I had a hair appointment a few days later. I was talking with my hair stylist about Latisse. She said, "don't use that! two people in their other salon used it, and one of them, it made her eyes very red, and it itched like crazy." She had this other product, "Neu Lash", active eyelash technology, which she told me she has been using for a month, and her lashs are long, dark and curl at the end. The best part, the salon she works at  "happens to sell this very product!" Ha!
      So what do I do? I have both Latisse and the product she recommends, and I am using both!. I just started on Monday....yes, right after I came out of thigh surgery, I started my eyelash treatment, I have my priorities.
     Some of the side effects reported with Latisse are: itching, burning around the eye area, red eyes, changing eye color to brown, (my eyes are already a deep brown). My eyes did kind of itch for a few seconds, I just kind of pressed on the outer canthus and that stopped. But I haven't noticed any other untoward problems.
     I'll keep you updated. The "Neu Lash" is supposed to give you results in 1 month. Latisse takes a little longer, but from what I've seen so far, both seem to work! But, for both of them, you have to keep on using them, or the results reverse themselves. But, with both products, you will no longer need masacara, unless you like overkill.
(deactivated member)
on 4/15/11 6:45 am
Not to hijack too much, but I love Latisse.. though I use the generic Careprost.. much cheaper.. fabulous results.. I now have both lashes and fantastic brows (no more pencil!) I would be happy to pm you details if you wish.

...and if that didn't clue you in, I have always been into cosmetics, looking good.. etc- except- it was neck up. Now I look forward to the whole damn package.