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Article on rate of sleeve "failure"

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/10 8:29 am - TX
VSG on 10/19/09 with
I just gotta say it.... I LOVE this board... :)

That being said, this article just reinforces to me what we have all known all along... that this is just a tool.  It's up to us how we use that tool.  The VSG got me here the first year and it will be up to me to keep it off the rest of my life.

I actually kinda like hearing stuff like this.  It keeps me on my toes.

on 11/24/10 9:09 am - Northern, CA
From what I can tell, the sleeve doesn't dilate forever. I have been doing the Cottage Cheese test regularly and I can't eat more now at 2 years out than I could at 6 months out when I do this test.

Now, I can eat more food than I did at 6 months. But it's not because my sleeve is bigger. It's because I've learned to eat around it more. I eat more carbs now. I tend to go for soft foods over hard protein. So I'll have chili instead of a steak. I also eat more foods that are higher in calories for the same volume. For example, I eat a lot more nuts.

The nice thing is: if doing this increases my calories too much, I can cut back and be a bit more watchful -- eat more hard protein, less carbs, etc. and cut down on the higher calorie snacks -- and I'm back to eating less calories.

Jenn- I don't think you wasted 17,000, but you may be someone who needs the extra oomph of a DS. Some people do and the nice thing about the sleeve is that it doesn't prevent adding a switch later, if it turns out to be necessary.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 11/24/10 10:49 am
Thanks MacMadame.....

You have just put into words how I have been thinking it was going to work......I just never put all the pieces together...... Thanks for making it clear!

- Calorie adjustable

- Density adjustable

- Carb adjustable

- Eating interval adjustable

All within the same sleeve capacity.

With your workout regime.... You of all people need to vary your intake as per your work outs.

The rest of us need to do the same... but on a smaller scale.


Your calorie swing might be something like 1000-4000 calories a day....

And us non athletes might be something like 800-1800 calories a day....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 11/24/10 3:40 pm
This is a fantastic discussion, far more interesting than the article that triggered it, which stated what everyone *****searches the VSG already knows:  long term success rates are unknown.  Duh!

And its other conclusion is that failure (regain) rates could be about sleeve dilation, return of ghrelin,  psychological factors, and so on.  More duh.  I hope they didn't spend a lot of money on this study. Interesting what Bikerchick pointed out, that it's an older study (and European to boot, where they do things differently, LOL!). 

What I take from this is that, as several posters have pointed out, we need to be accountable for the food choices we make, and that when we don't make such good choices (as happens inevitably at times), hopefully the sleeve will limit the damage.  I have never lost my hunger, at least not so far, and I guess I'll be one of those who never gets to experience that "never hungry" sensation.  I get hungry three hours after eating, like clockwork, and I figure that'll be true for me forever. 

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/10 6:43 pm
VSG on 05/04/09 with

Compliance afterwards (whatever compliance looks like, ya know) is so important too, to the study and really tends to skew findings.

For me, I KNEW going into this that I could NOT be casual, and I do not just mean during loss, I ABSOLUTELY meant during maintenance.  Losing was never the hugest problems, the maintenance ALWAYS was, always, always, always.  Course, part of that was because "some" was NEVER enough and chicken/egg - or lack of maturity? whatevs  deprivation mode was a huge big deal for me. 

So was feeling vulnerable after I had lost some and folks started noticing.

Either way - what I have seen by poking into folks's past posts is - somewhere along the line, they either started thinking they were normies who could go without being watchful, or if they HAD been "just a little of whatever" people - maybe their body's tolerance for that wore out, or they stopped being scale watchers or whatever?  I am not sure, but all those roadmaps point to me, the serious need to

*Know myself and be truthful with and accountable to myself with the guards I have set in place (scale/logging cals in and out)
*Keep my head in the game (cycle through books, keep touch with the reality of humans- i.e. this board)
*Work on cultivating different skill sets than what I have had for all my life.  I cannot even almost think that a year, 2 years, 3 years is going to erase, outdo, wipe out 30+ years of inappropriate coping skills. 
*Be kind to myself and others.  Sometimes this is a boundary issue.  Its kinder to say no to someone than it is to say yes, feel mad/resentful/guilty, and then eat because I feel bad that I feel bad - and nobody did it to me, but me.

I am thankful for this board also.  I am thankful that we can talk true about things that are our reality at X point and get input.

I am really also thankful for all the diets I had been on in the past, because they have helped me to KNOW how to "use my calories" and adjust them up or down much better than if I had not been on eighty zillion diets in the past.

And now? I am thankful for work!  MUWAH!!  Happy Day of Thanks to the folks in the States! 

Caio beebeees!


on 11/24/10 10:17 pm
I agree with a lot of folks here.

for myself, I always knew I would be able to "eat around" my surgery and that is true now at 2 1/2 years out. I have to choose not to, just like a non WLS person has to make choices. forever.

I am at peace with that.  it's about our entire LIFE not about eating & that's what I have been working on. so far, so good!

I love OH and this looks to be a very good forum, too!

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 11/25/10 10:19 am - Riverside, CA
I put off reading this article cuz it kinda scared me.  I just read it and I'm not afraid.  I'm still happy with my decision to go with VSG!  VSG is the greatest tool given to me and I know that I it takes work and I'm going to be the exception to the rule.  I already am!  My doc said I'm in the 95 percentile and I couldn't have asked for better results.  Now, life is my greatest challenge and with the help of "this group" I (we) will make it! I know I'm not doing the things I did in the beginning (my first year).  I strive to get back to the basics! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Be good to your sleeve and it will be good to you!  Love ya!  Vicky