It is up to me

Recent Posts

Ira Sansolo
on 8/1/08 3:06 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Restaurants and sugar-- Cross Post
After hearing Dr. K. the other night I found this list on the front page of Yahoo today it is from Mens HealthI thought you might find it interesting's%20Best%20-%20and%20Worst%20-%20Restaurants-_-Eat_This_Not_That.  
 Let me know what you think. By the way I am going to try to stop drinking Coke, I did quilify that with try!! You will probably have to copy and paste the link..
  For all of our Polk County Group-- This was posted on the other site that Mel and I are on in St. Pete. Dr. K (whose real name is about 20 letters long) spoke to us on nutrition especially about sugar. 

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 7/17/08 9:11 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Welcome to the new folks
Welcome to Kit08, SheenaFrappacino, Wezzie and Amy C!  Make yourselves at home here!  Hope you decide to join us in person at our next meeting on July 29th!
on 6/24/08 12:25 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Protein Drinks
I added the site for Profect which is the protein drink we tasted at the last meeting.   Debbie also shared with me a protein drink that she got at GNC.   It is a lot thinner and I tastier than Profect....(IMHO) .  It is called Isopure.   What she had was in a larger bottle so it is something that you would have to portion out, but it tasted a little like watered down Kool-Aid.   If you know of some other protein drink that you think is good, let me know.   Maybe we can feature it at an upcoming meeting. If you have any other products you would like us to consider for a taste test, let me know!
on 6/24/08 12:16 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: FYI - Recipes
I am adding recipes to the blog section of the group.   They are in purple so they are easy for you to find in all the blogs.   I am featuring high protein/low carb recipes so if you have a favorite you would like to submit, please let me know and we will get it added.
on 4/21/08 1:42 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Did anyone see 60 Minutes Sunday Night
They had a great segment on the Gastric Bypass surgery and the benefits related to it, i.e. curing diabetes and preventing certain types of cancer.   There are doctors that are wanting to get this procedure authorized for people who are not obese.  Amazing. Here is the link that tells more about Leslie Stahl's story. 451.shtml
on 4/7/08 9:43 am, edited 4/7/08 9:45 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Welcome to the group

Welcome to our group!  We are hoping to have our first Support group meeting in May.  If you are interested in joining us, please let us know what day of the week you are not available.   We will do our best to get a day that works for everyone. This group is also open to anyone who is a member of OH.   I believe that we can learn so much from others, so the more we add the more we learn.   If you have questions, concerns or comments, please let us know!

Support Group Coach

Suppot Group Coach