It is up to me

Recent Posts

Ira Sansolo
on 8/27/08 2:17 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Obesity Help Coaching Classes we have taken!
Great News, Melissa and I have just completed the Obesity Help Support Group Coach training program. This was a entry level program on how to use different types of skills to work with our group members on a one-on-one basis to help them with specific goals, “speed bumps” you cannot seem to get over, and just other areas besides weight loss that others who have not gone through the surgery would find hard, if not impossible to understand. This was a 4 week class given by the Director of Support Groups Cathy Wilson from Obesity Help. Melissa and I learned things in this training they we feel will help us not only with our group but with each other, and our family.  If you would be interested in learning more about this it is something we will be doing  ABSOLUTLEY FREE we are not licensed counselors, this is just continuing education from OH that we would like to make available to your our special friends. Remember our next meeting is on September 16, 2008, we are praying for no hurricanes this time. Warm Regards to every one!Ira

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 8/25/08 4:28 am
Topic: RE: Challenge anyone?
 Cool.  Well, should we plan to meet online once a month?  So if our next meeting is Sep 16th, then maybe we can set up a meeting for Tues. Sep 2nd (2 weeks before).  And then the next online meeting could be 2 weeks after the 16th.  We could maybe set it up for the same time - around 7pm? Or if it's easier for those with little ones, maybe we could chat around 9pm after the kids are in bed?

Anyway, this way, we're meeting twice a month, one online meeting & the other in person.  If this goes well then maybe we can bump up the online meeting to weekly.  I realize everyone is busy with their life.

On another note, mom has lost a total of 37 lbs.  It's been a month since her surgery.  YEAH!!!!
on 8/25/08 2:17 am - Lakeland, FL
Topic: RE: Challenge anyone?
Yeah, getting the water in is very hard for me.  I start the day with good intentions and then by the end I realize that I just didn't make the cut.  Then there's the fact that if you eat three meals a day, that's three hours of no drinking time added to the time you take to eat your meal.  I keep joking that I'm going to get one of those hats that has two holders on each side with straws to your mouth and pu****er in them!

on 8/21/08 10:48 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: RE: Challenge anyone?
Awesome idea!   Ira is ahead of the rest of us...tomorrow marks 3 weeks with no Coke.   I need to recommit....I think I'm going to do the water.    I was maintaining at least 120 ozs and I have dropped off!   If you all will let me know when you would like to do an on-line group I will be more than happy to set it up.  
on 8/21/08 5:25 am
Topic: Challenge anyone?
 Hey gang!
 I was wondering if anyone would be up for a challenge of some sort.  Maybe like a "drink our water"  daily challenge.  Or an exercise challenge?
For example, maybe we could all commit to drink 1 gallon of water a day for a month?
Or commit to walk 3,000 steps a day?  Or exercise 2 x per week?  More challenging?  Or less?

I feel we all are struggling in our own various ways and maybe if we could have more commitment to each other via this website, then maybe it would just strengthen each of us and help us out until we meet again once each month.
Maybe we could put a weekly or bi-weekly online meeting together and support each other that way. That would give us a chance to share our weaknesses, victories, ask questions, share recipes...etc.

Thoughts anyone?


Ira Sansolo
on 8/17/08 12:01 pm - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: RE: Obese Gain a Weapon
What a great anaolgy. Why pay for the prevention instead pay for all the issues that can go wrong!

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 8/15/08 12:48 pm, edited 8/15/08 12:49 pm - Lakeland, FL
Topic: RE: Obese Gain a Weapon
Wow, finally someone is taking notice.  I feel confident in saying that each of us probably could tell stories about things like this in the workplace.  I hope the fight continues - maybe insurance companies will take notice and not make us fight so hard for WLS.  Even though my insurance company "covered" my surgery, I owe Dr. R. an additional $450 and the hospital an additional $1500 (on top of the $1,000 I paid Palms already).  It's kinda like when they wouldn't pay for birth control but they paid for you to have a baby.  Go figure.

on 8/15/08 9:56 am, edited 8/15/08 10:01 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Obese Gain a Weapon

Here is an interesting article we recently saw in the LAkeland Ledger about obesity discrimation in the work place. 1/LIFE

Ira Sansolo
on 8/1/08 4:18 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: RE: Restaurants and sugar-- Cross Post
Chris, thank you for your motivation. I quess I am going to need my own little "Quit the Coke" support group". After what all of you have done this should be NOTHING!!!

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 8/1/08 3:33 am - Lakeland, FL
Topic: RE: Restaurants and sugar-- Cross Post
Very interesting.  And you can stop drinking Coke, you just have to be strong.  Just think of what Melissa has done and it will help motivate you.  My mother was a die-hard soda drinker, said she hated water and would never stop drinking soda.  I'm not sure what made her, but she stopped drinking it and now drinks mostly water.  She also lost 70 pounds, some of which I'm sure came from not drinking the soda 24/7.


Support Group Coach

Suppot Group Coach