It is up to me

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on 12/5/08 3:39 am - Winter Haven, FL

As you may recall, those patients of Dr Rehnke who go through Dr Baum for their psyche evaluation, are required to have a band buddy.   I have been lucky enough to act in that capacity for several of you.    

Unfortunately, I am not able to take on any more buddies through the end of the year simply due to my work schedule.   We still have patients in the Lakeland area who need a buddy.    If you are interested, please let me know.   As a buddy you, you have to be at least three months out from your surgery date and  simply share your experience with others.  Be there for them when they have questions or concerns...if you don't know all the answers that is fine, you can refer them back to Dr R's team or you can contact Ira or me.

This buddy program is very important to help provide patients a contact to others who have taken the same path.    Please take a moment to consider offering to be a buddy!  If you are interested you can notify Ira or me, or you can contact Dr Baum directly.

We currently have someone looking for a buddy, if you are interested, please let me know so I can get you in contact with her.

Ira Sansolo
on 11/30/08 6:23 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Welcoem new members!
In the past few weeks we have had 3 new members to our family here at "It's up to me". We are so excited that more and more people are joining us whether in person at our support group meetings or on- line. It just shows how much support means to all of us. It is said that people who participate in support groups, of any type, for any type of issue, will be much more successful than those who do not. It amazes me each and every month to hear the great "non scale" victories of our members, it just shows how many people want to live longer and have a better quality of life. Please join Melissa and I in giving our new members a huge welcome. As Melissa always says to me "It's up to me".

Warmest Regards,

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

Ira Sansolo
on 10/30/08 5:41 am, edited 10/30/08 5:41 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Link to article on Fast Food
Cathy Wilson from Obesity Help posted this great link to an article written about fast food.  I thought you might find it interesting.

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

Ira Sansolo
on 10/28/08 1:00 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Dreaming about being Fat??
Did you ever have a dream about being FAT? This morning I was listening to a local Lakeland Radio Station and they had Lauri Quinn Loewemberg who is the author of “Cracking the Dream Code”. One of the radio personalities said that they had a dream that they were on the Red Carpet with a famous obese (to say the least) T.V. talk show and actress. When he asked what this meant, to paraphrase what she said “Well the red carpet was a sign of high performance” and the fat person you were with was an indication that “Fat people in a dream are a sign of abundance”. So take heed on those days when you think all is lost, remember that quote, and no matter how bad things are abundance can be a good thing (in moderation). If you are interested in dream analysis the web site for this book is www.the  My best to everyone.

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 10/20/08 11:20 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: RE: Dancing the night away.....
What can I say, he is an amazing man whose support I could not do without!   We had an awesome time and I believe we will be doing a lot more dancing!  I needed that non scale victory!  Something that I am not sure Ira knew about this weekend is that out of three days I spent about half of each of those days in heels and a skirt or dress.   I felt great and could not have done that 9 months ago!

My Love, I love you with all my heart and forever and ever your baby I'll be!

Ira Sansolo
on 10/20/08 9:01 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Dancing the night away.....
Dancing the night away This weekend Melissa and I had the pleasure of attending a wedding for a very special young lady and her new husband. Jodi has been a friend of Melissa’s for many years and she has watched her grow from a teenager to a bright cardiac nurse. When she was planning her wedding she asked Melissa to be her Wedding Extraordinaire (kind of  like a wedding planner).  Many beautiful and graceful ladies were in attendance, but none more beautiful than my wife. So what does this have to do with dancing, well when the music started during the reception we walked onto the dance floor and started to slow dance. All of a sudden I put my arms around Melissa and for the first time since we were married and I was able to wrap her in my arms and pull her close to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and we danced. You cannot imagine how excited she was (as was I).  There are many things we take for granted in life, many things we don’t even do very often, but this is one of those “non scale victories” that weight loss surgery does for you. Something as little as dancing can change the way you feel as a patient but most of all for me as a support person. I am so proud of Melissa (sorry a little bragging), she has worked so hard to get where she is, many days she said “I just don’t know if  I can keep this up”. But if this weekend was any example of her tenacity she will have no trouble reaching her goal and going beyond. Thank you all for allowing me to brag about our special weekend and wish each and every one of you these same joyous events. With my love to Melissa and much devotion and support,Ira

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

on 10/19/08 10:50 am
Topic: RE: Check out the links
 Hey there!  Thanks for posting!  I didn't see this link in there though -
Is the next meeting really this Tuesday????

on 10/15/08 9:24 pm - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: Check out the links
We have added three new sites to our link pages.   Two are support type programs where you can log your food and and excersize.   The third is a blog site.   The owner is part of OH and she regularly shares recipes.

For those of you who were at the last meeting, these are the sites Shawn had discussed.
Ira Sansolo
on 10/12/08 1:34 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: RE: One month and 2 days off "Coke"
UPDATE- When I have good news I always like to let you all know also. I am over 2 months off Coke, when I saw the Dr. last month my A1C had already dropped one full percentage point. My morning glucose readings are between 75-90 and my weight is moderating within 2 lbs. I am not saying this to brag, but we all make different commitments to ourselves, you all have made a huge commitment in your journey in weight loss surgery and I an so proud of each one of you. My point of telling you this story, is whether you loose 1lb or can breath better, or walk better, that is better that you were 1 year ago today. I like to pat my self on the back (my ego can get a little big), you should all do the same each and every day.  Remember that old song "Give it your best, don't let anybody (including yourself) tell you you can't do it. Best of luck, see you soon.

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

Ira Sansolo
on 10/12/08 1:23 am - Winter Haven, FL
Topic: One degree does make a difference...
It is sometimes hard to keep up the momentum on losing weight either while you are waiting on your first fill for lapbanders or further down the road after you have had some time and have slipped into those bad habits.     The most important thing to remember is that you are doing this to change our life.   If you wanted to stay fat you would not have bothered.   You wanted this change and you have to work at it.   Your surgery is a tool and it has to be used properly to get those results.   To do this, you have to:  
  1. Follow the dietary guidelines your doctor set for you.   If it is low carb, you need to read labels and keep track of your carbs.   No chocolate is not low carb, never has been regardless of the size.   Do you want to win or are you going to let the chocolate win?
  2. Drink Drink Drink...Water is so important to maintaining you body.  It keeps the blood moving, it removed toxins from your body.   Like air, it is a necessity.
  3. Exercise...If you are obese, exercise alone probably will not decrease your weight, however, exercise is important to burn energy, flush your body (so you can drink more water) and it helps maintain and build muscles.   If you have been severely obese, you probably have not been very active, you need to turn that around.   Even limited walking will make a difference.
  4. When you get down about something, pick yourself up.   DO NOT fall into old habits of using food for comfort.   Comfort from food equals less success.   Go walk or drink water, call a friend, blog or diary you thought and feels as you go through this.

We are in this together.   Those of you who have kept up with me know that I have been struggling.  I too have to make use of my tool and make sure I am doing my part.


Here is a link to an awesome little movie.   Please take a moment to view it and understand that that like extra push, that extra step is going to make a difference.  Paste the URL into your browser to view


It's your life, you're responsible for the results     I hope you have enjoyed this.   Please feel free to share it with others because this is about giving a little extra in everything we do.   We can make a difference.   We just have to go that extra degree.

Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach 
Co-Leader "Its up to you"

" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
                       (From Kung Fu Panda)

Support Group Coach

Suppot Group Coach