It is up to me
Dreaming about being Fat??
Did you ever have a dream about being FAT? This morning I was listening to a local Lakeland Radio Station and they had Lauri Quinn Loewemberg who is the author of “Cracking the Dream Code”. One of the radio personalities said that they had a dream that they were on the Red Carpet with a famous obese (to say the least) T.V. talk show and actress. When he asked what this meant, to paraphrase what she said “Well the red carpet was a sign of high performance” and the fat person you were with was an indication that “Fat people in a dream are a sign of abundance”. So take heed on those days when you think all is lost, remember that quote, and no matter how bad things are abundance can be a good thing (in moderation). If you are interested in dream analysis the web site for this book is www.the My best to everyone.
Ira H Sansolo
Obesity Help Support Group Coach
Co-Leader "Its up to you"
" The secret is, there is no secret, you just have to believe."
(From Kung Fu Panda)