It is up to me


Melissa where the heck have you...
September 10, 2008 10:30 pm
I decided to post a blog about some personal things that have been going on for two reasons.  One to apologize to those of you who have turned to me to help you through your changes and challenges.  Two to ask you to offer me that same support when I some times stumble.

We have come through two difficult months in our household.   The health challenges, family issues, financial concerns, and I know I am not alone in these issues.   We all go through it.

But here comes the dilemma, we take care of the physical needs, the stomach is tighter, the weight comes off, but what do we do for the mental and emotional challenges.   REmember the old days when you turned to food to take away stress and boredom?   I am here to tell you that you have to take care of that part of you as well.  

I have fallen into old habits.   I gained two pounds in August and I have not really lost weight  in a while.  In talking to my doctor we determined that it was time for me to go on an antidepressant to help me get out of my hole...but habits didn't change and I am still struggling.

I choose to share this with the group because I feel guilty for not being here for all of you and I ask that you understand that sometimes you need time to recharge.   Our meetings are part of that recharging process for me.   Hearing your successes juice me up!   Not having the meeting last month was tough on most of us!   I look forward to getting back into the swing of things.

I also want you all to understand that if you hit that emotional/mental bump in the road, reach out for help.   We need to fix ourselves as a whole, not just the physical part.

Can't wait to see you all next week!  
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Next Meeting September 16
September 10, 2008 10:29 pm
Well it is that time again!   No hurricanes in sight!     Our next meeting will be at 7 pm on Tuesday, September 16th at the Community Southern Bank in Lakeland.  Remember, we welcome both pre-op and post-op patients and their support person(s).   If you are not able to attend Tuesday night meetings, please let me know what works better for you.  There may be an opportunity for us to either change our meeting night or add an additional meeting night but I need to hear back from you so I know which way we need to go   Don't forget to check out our group site We are continually updating it with pictures, links, recipes and celebrations!    The site also has a calendar page for upcoming events.   That is where we post our group meetings and any other events that are coming to our area.   Feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions or concerns! 
  Melissa Sansolo
WLS Support Group Leader

Join us on the third Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm at the Coummunity Southern Bank on S Florida Ave in Lakeland.

If it is to be, it is up to me!

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Childhood Obesity link
August 20, 2008 1:55 am
I recently added a link in our links area to an article written on Childhood Obesity, it was written by the CDC. Please take a look at, it you will all find it interesting even if you do not have children or yours are grown. My best regards to all see you next month!
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Meeting Cancelled
August 18, 2008 9:57 am

Important notice - The Polk County Support group usually held the third Tuesday of the month in Lakeland, FL has been cancelled for August.   With the expectation of inclimate weather tomorrow and other closures, due to Tropical Storm Fay, we have determined that we will cancel tomorrow's meeting.  

Our Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 16th at 7:00pm at the Community Southern Bank on S Florida Ave.  If you need to chat or need some help prior to that time, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact Melissa or Ira via our OH on-line group.

This support group is open to all WLS patients regardless of type of surgery, their support person(s), and pre-op patients who are interested in learning more about post-op life.

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Sorry I haven't posted lately
August 15, 2008 9:44 am
Things are much better with my eye so hopefully I can get back on track.   This has been a tough month for me!  I gained weight and I have been cheating so badly and I did not know how to let Ira know that I was struggling.   He is my biggest cheerleader and I did not want to let him down.

Yesterday, I finally broke down and told him what was going on...I did not let him down, instead I let him know I was human.   We talked somethings through and he helped me get a plan together to get back to some of the basics.

I share this with all of you not for you to feel sorry for what I am going through but so you too will know how important it is to have a support person.  One that not only supports you when the pounds are falling off but when the carbs are going in.   Use your support system for a kick start.   Good back to the basics.   We did not choose this as the easy way out, we chose it because it will be a tool for us to use over and over again.

This is not an easy thing to take on but it is worth every moment, not so I can lose weight but so I can regain my health. 

I wish you all the best and as I have told many of you...drink drink drink and chew chew chew...and rely on those who love you to help support you when you struggle.   Chin up and get moving!  (Giving myself a swift kick in the tush!)
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