South Atlanta Wants to have weightloss surgery

Welcome to South Atlanta weightloss surgery! I started this page so that we will have a place to discuss weightloss suregery and hopefully we can give support to each other.General Information
Location: , Group Created: Jan 13, 2015Members: 310 Years Ago | |
10 Years Ago
Its been hard finding support groups near home. - I live south of Atlanta and I have been watching for support groups near my area without having to go to Atlanta and North Atlanta. The process for having the weightloss surgery r...
Its been hard...
January 13, 2015 2:10 am
I live south of Atlanta and I have been watching for support groups near my area without having to go to Atlanta and North Atlanta. The process for having the weightloss surgery requires so many sup...
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January 13, 2015 2:10 am
I live south of Atlanta and I have been watching for support groups near my area without having to go to Atlanta and North Atlanta. The process for having the weightloss surgery requires so many sup...