By Your Side

Happy to join

on 8/17/09 5:41 pm
I actually joined this group a few days ago but have had a crazy weekend.  I am always anxious to talk to others going through the same trials and tribulations that I am and I love doing it but am sometimes really bad about about getting on-line and posting or chatting regularly.  I have an appointment on Wednesday  to meet with a surgeon and hopefully set a date for bariatric surgery.  I have been battleing with my wieght all my life and goiing through the process to prepare for the surgery for the last two monthes.  I gave the fight all I had on my own and now it is time for some not so natural intervention.  I had a lot of feelings of failure and weakness when I first made the decision but have come to terms with it and have been surprized by the support I get for it.  I have been very blessed with support from all quarters. My husband and son are my best supporters and my family, friends, and co-workers have proven to be a rock of support as well.  Many of them know firsthand about the battle of the bulge.  At any rate I will be glad to hear from any and all about whatever.  Take care and have a great day. 