Victorious Losers
Recent Posts
You missed a good meeting last night! We shared some critical issues facing those of us living in a small rural town. There is a big need for local support and I am going to try to stress these issues with Cole.
I hope you all can plan for our short walk on Saturday, the 18th, weather permitting. There is a nice area behind the Cancer Center where we can sit and chat and share.
See you then!
I am really excited about group Friday. I am hoping you all can find the time. It has been a real struggle getting this off the ground, but I am encouraged anyway. Hope to see you!
Is there a particular topic you want to talk about ? If not, I will pick.
I hope you have a great weekend. I am going to try to get my bike out and do a little riding. I seriously want to get more active this summer.
On our Saturday meeting this month, I'd like to meet at in the parking lot of the Cancer Center and walk the trail. Come into Cole via the Emergency sign entrance. The Cancer Center is on the left. You will see a barn structure and then a one story building. Both buildings share the parking area. Let me know if you want to join me. I will wait until 11am. If the weather is not sunny, we will meet in the conference room. I drive a red Bravada. I have Irish dance stickers on the back.
See ya on the 10th!
Hi all
I just wanted to give you a heads up and a reminder. We have a meeting on July 10, 5:30pm. I am getting a bit discouraged about the lack of interest in these meetings. Should I have them or not? Let's see how it goes through the summer. Then, if no one wants them, then maybe we should shut down. The hospital goes to alot of effort to pay for advertizing and helping with administrative costs. It's not fair to them if their efforts are for nothing.
Maybe I should keep this forum only. However, you aren't showing much interest in this either.
Please start to RSVP for all future meetings. I hope to see you this morning. It is a rainy day, but we can always brainstorm for future meetings.
I have been giving alot of thought about the group and how it is struggling so hard to get off the ground. Since we have so little participation, I am not going to have both meetings the same. The Friday night meetings will be educational and informative. The Saturday morning meetings will meet for physical activity and special events and we will start out by meeting in the conference room and then head outside for a walk. If it rains, we will use the time as a Q&A session to discuss any pressing issues and brainstorming our special events. As we grow, we can make other changes as we desire. It is becoming difficult to plan lessons when no one is showing up. I hope you understand. See you Saturday!