September Sleeves...and friends
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yes it is weight is falling of now at 294 now. why my ticker dont show like everyone else?
when is your date?
september 15
great job...I met with the doctor already...have my last blood work tomorrow morning....I almost popped 3 cherry tomatoes in my mouth yesterday by accident!! Then was I like "oh wait! I can't have these!" LOL It's getting real!
great job! it isn't a diet! we're just living our lives the way we need to with a little help
My mouth has the metallic taste because of keo. Check the scale said 299. People ask me if iam dieting i said no just adjusting to my new life style.
So today was test after test and blood work. Tomorrow have a appointment with my primary to get his clearances for surgery. Then iam all set for Monday. I feel nervous now since the date is getting closer. Made dinner for the family i tell you my mind tell me i should but my will power takes over and say keep the eye on the end game.
I'm pre-op but the dr is not requiring me to do the liquid diet before surgery. Still, I am trying to cut the calories in the run-up week so that I have a bit of a head start. Surgery is in one week. Just got to get as much done at work as I can!
Thanks guys! Now I have no idea how to run this thing!! Feel free to just right in...I will start off by asking how everyone is doing hydrating?? I'm at a little over 104 oz today...still have to walk though. Feeling pretty 6 liquid diet!