Quiting Smoking before Surgery


Need support in quitting smoking before surgery!!

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Aug 18, 2011
Members: 4
10 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
Day 3 - Today is day 3 of no ciggie for me. I have such mixed emotions. I miss my morning cig with coffee. But I don't miss the way the smells make it upstairs to my bedroom. I am mad that...
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
I need support...can someone help!! - I know this is a weight loss site, but real life comes into play and before my surgery I need to be smoke free for 8 weeks. I have been smoke free for 3 days, I know that this isn'...

I need...
August 18, 2011 8:23 am
I know this is a weight loss site, but real life comes into play and before my surgery I need to be smoke free for 8 weeks. I have been smoke free for 3 days, I know that this isn't a lot, but it is t...
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