
Prep for Success



Welcome to the Prep-4-Success support group. We are a newly formed support group with basic goals, to help each other succeed in our journey before, during and after our weight loss surgery. Everyone is welcome here.... Pre-Op's, Post-Op's or if you are just starting to explore weight loss surgery.

We are based in the Inland Empire of Southern California. So feel free to post, ask questions or just vent to get something off your chest. We will not be judgemental on this forum, our only goal is to help each other succeed.

Just remember

Group Effort:

"It is the ability to work together which determines Success"


General Information

Location: Fontana, CA 92336
Group Created: Sep 26, 2009
Members: 64
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
Weekly Bike Rides in Riverside - Greetings all..... I sent out a Private Message to all the members of Prep 4 Success today and would like to get everyones input on the Weekly Bike Rides here in Riverside. Plea...
14 Years Ago

Being Successful...
November 21, 2009 5:03 am

A very important note:

Always follow your doctors guidelines and protocols. Every doctor is different as are all of us with our pouches. One of the biggest causes of failures after WLS is not fol...
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