Prep for Success

Groups » Prep for Success » Discussion » Lets get this party...

Lets get this party started

on 6/17/10 3:58 am - Fontana, CA
Greetings everyone,

I want to apologize to everyone for my absence. I have had a really wierd work schedule for the past few months and unfortunately a couple medical set backs as well. But all so far is working out and I would like to get this group going full speed.

My wife and I are planning to move down to the Riverside area soon. But this is still a few months away. I would like to get some input from everyone what you guys would like to see us do as a group. I have a few ideas in mind but I want this to be a group effort. Post what you would like to do or see and we will strive to get it going.

Have a great day all...........Rick
Group Effort: It is the ability to work together which determines success"
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