Petite Flower Boot Camp
Exercise field trips
We have got to check this out!! Let's use those complimentary session coupons now!! Tired of monotonous exercise machines and yo-yo diets? Worried that an effective exercise program will be too strenuous or tedious to follow? TRAQ 3D replaces the drudgery of workouts with healthy play to burn maximum calories. Our 29 minute sessions fly by as both your mind and body are engaged. And it is the type of play that quickly develops a lean, athletic body. And as you perform better, you’ll have more confidence and more fun…on the dance floor, on the tennis court… You’ll look better and feel better too. At TRAQ, we prepare you for an active, enjoyable lifestyle. It’s the surest path to permanent weight control. And if that doesn't persuade you..... The TRAQ Guarantee
We’re confident that you’ll love your play time at TRAQ 3D, and that you’ll meet your personal goals. Spend 29 minutes at TRAQ three times a week for eight weeks and we’ll change your life…or your money back! We guarantee it! TRAZER games document your progress and provide the essential information to customize your personal program to ensure your success. Your scores can be used to recommend specific personal sports or leisure activities, and competing against yourself or your friends keeps your motivation strong.