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on 7/16/14 1:13 pm
Topic: RE: Hair removal cream

I used it and it was close to $100. The doctor told me that I could not shave or tweeze while using because that interfered with Vaniqua being able to effectively penetrate the hair follicle. I was so self conscious about the dark stubbly hairs on my chin and neck that I only used it for 2 weeks and had to go back to shaving. Big waste of money for me.

My doctor also put me on spironolactone that was supposed to minimize the hair, and it did nothing. I have to shave every single day.

HW: 310, SW:??? (7/22/14), GW: 175

on 4/10/13 10:00 am
on 4/10/13 6:16 am
Topic: RE: PCOS and I have consult with Bariatric doctor this week

Oh my goodness! I knew it would be a lot of requirements, but WOW. I know what you mean about wanting immediate results! I am soooo impatient! But we can do this if we hang in there! I would love to work with you and hopefully be a source of encouragement. I am leaving now to go to my first consult!

on 4/10/13 4:47 am
Topic: RE: PCOS and I have consult with Bariatric doctor this week

Thanks for replying to my post, I met with the surgeon, dietician, and exercise physiologist.  The doctor wants me to lose 14 lbs and so far I have lost only 5lbs in 13 days...uggg.  They are looking into my insurance and then my next appointment is the 24th.  I am supposed to meet with the exercise, dietician, and this time I am going to do my psych consult and I have to go to a support group once a month.  Lots of things to do!!  I am so frustrated though with not losing very much weight right off and I have been doing really good at my diet they put me on.  I am one of those people that want things immediately..unfrotunately, I am impatient.  Anyhow, you hang in there too.  Maybe we can buddy up along this journey.  I am pretty scared and nervous also, but ,mostly of the unknowns and wondering if I will ever have biological children.

on 4/10/13 3:23 am
Topic: RE: PCOS and I have consult with Bariatric doctor this week

I am in the same boat. We have been ttc for almost 4 years with no success and at my appointment last week, my GYN strongly suggested LapBand as a "last ditch effort" as it were. I am scared and nervous, but even more so about the fact that this could be my last chance! Hang in there and let me know how your journey is going. I have my informational seminar tonight and hopefully I can get the ball rolling. Where are you on your journey?

on 3/24/13 12:45 pm
Topic: PCOS and I have consult with Bariatric doctor this week

Hi everyone, 

I have PCOS and after 6 years of stopping infertility treatments and 9 years of ttc I have decided to look into bariatrics.  My RE recommended it and said I didn't have too long to wait on trying due to elevated FSH levels now. She said a year waiting to try after the surgery wouldn't hurt my chances because if I can't get pregnant after the surgery then I wouldn't have been able to now.  Anyhow, I have been pretty mad about being so overweight and struggling so long to try to conceive. I hope and pray this will work.

on 11/13/12 2:04 am - ME
Topic: RE: Infertility and vitamin D
It worked for me. I'm ovulating every month!
on 11/13/12 2:03 am - ME
Topic: Infertility and vitamin D
on 10/17/12 1:27 pm, edited 10/17/12 1:40 pm - ME
Topic: RE: Inositol Supplements!! It worked for me..
 .I`ve been taking this for months now with my vit D that my Doctor said I was low on(you need to have your Doctor check to see if you are low in vit D) and my period has now regulated! I love being regular! You can get them both at the health food store.Make sure to speak to your Doctor before taking any new vitamin regime like this. He needs to see if this is right for you.

on 10/17/12 1:20 pm, edited 10/17/12 1:38 pm - ME
Topic: Inositol Supplements!! It worked for me..

I Am Not A Doctor, but have had great results because I have spoke to my Doctor about taking these supplements. I was low in vit D and needed to take it. Make sure to see your doctor before taking any supplements.