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PCOS and ovulation...

on 3/4/11 8:38 pm - Marietta, GA
I hope you are all well~
Make sure you get your vitamins in! I have found great success in this hair thinning issue by adding folic acid/ biotin blend...they sure due take some time getting them down...I sure do feel better now that I am 174 instead of 266 or higher! Sorry for the sidebar~

So, it has been 9 months since surgery...
I am now fake hormone FREE! I actually had a natural cycle last month and it was in normal range (34 days). I wonder if I could actually be ovulating. I have felt a sharp pain, a good bit of pressure and CM. I know with PCOS it is common for us to have lots of cervical mucus (CM) and still not be ovulating.
As I write this, I am thinking the only was I will know is if I actually get one of those stick testers.
Oh well, I guess time will only tell...

Have a great weekend~Cheri
Take time for yourself...

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
(deactivated member)
on 12/28/11 8:33 am
You could also use fertilityfriend.com to track your ovulation. It has various ways like temperature using a basal body temp thermometer (i think that's what it's called) and I forget the other ways. I used to use it. It was a good site.