Pcos Support
A "hairy" topic
A "HAIRY" Topic
What does your spouse say about your extra hair? Do they make funny remarks about it?
Are they mean to you about it? or very supportive??
Do you get embarrsed when you have the 5oclock shadow? What do you do for your "hair" Shave, bleach, wax, laser treatmeant?
*My husband is very supportive, it doesn't bother him at all..i will make stupid remarx like "i look like a man" or i'm so hairy and gross...he will tell me NO that i'm very beautiful and he loves me no matter what!" Leo has seen me with little hair, and lots of hair....I get embarrsed when i go out in public..i always shave before i got out...and put make up on after.. i don't like the 5oclock shadow...i wish i could snap my fingers and it go away**
Have a happy Week everyone!!!
For the last 3 weeks i have shaved the hair, but that is only because i am preparing for the laser. Before that i would wax.. could always see hair tho unfortunately as there is always some hair growing at different rates. At least it thinned it down and made me feel a little better.
I started at 324lbs and a size 26. After losing 100 lbs, I became pregnant with my first daughter, who was born in March 2011. My second daughter was born in September 2013. I have maintained a healthy lifestyle and now hover around 160lbs. I would like to get back to the 140lbs before I became pregnant with my second daughter. The sleeve literally gave me LIFE - two beautiful, healthy little girls. My husband had his VSG with Dr. Marema on 10/1/2012 and is on his weight loss journey, currently down 90lbs.
And Honestly, I love him for it.
My husband teases me when I whine about waxing, but he really is okay with my hair. In fact I started shaving my arms this summer and he was in shock~ wanted to know why and let me know once again; it did not matter! He does let me know when I have a stray hair on my neck or chin~ because he knows how self conscience I am about it.
Since surgery I have only had to wax my mustache once~ in 7 months. Before surgery I had to wax every 2 weeks.
My midwives and I are excited about the PCOS symptoms subsiding. Maybe TTC#2 will take less than 3 1/2 years and not be a surprise.

For 22 Years My darling Husband has not made one rude remark about either my weight or my pcos symptoms. I only shave my underarms, legs, and bikini area, I Do Not shave the hair on my face. I was told it would come out thicker. I do pluck though, and like many others I don't do it in front of him. Not real sexy ya know. I'll pluck my eyebrows in front of him, but no where else. I have found that since losing the weight, the hair on my tummy has lightened up to almost nothing, as has a lot of the extra hair I had. EXCEPT my Damn chin! I think when I eat to many carbs (which I've been doing lately) I get more. I just got this remington thing that has something like 42 tweezers on it and have used that on my chin. It works 'ok'. Don't use it on your thighs though if you have a little extra skin "OUCH!!". I think as our weight get more under control, and out diets are good, our symptoms lighten up. When I see more hair on my face I know my testosterone is up, and I am prolly eating to many carbs.
I would suggest not shaving your faces though ladies. I really do beleive it makes it come in thicker, and more course, kinda like a mans.
Be Well My Cysters
Just when the Catipillar thought the world was over
....She became a Butterfly
300+ /260/ 140 Current BMI 22.4 /No Longer a #, just were my body is Happy
Highest Weight/ at surgery/ current /Goal