Patricia's HOPE

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Renee S.
on 11/12/08 6:03 am - PA
Topic: Exploratory surgery
Post Date: 11/12/08 1:59 pm

Hi all,

I don't post much anymore but I do lurk daily.

I'm going in for exploratory Surgery on the 19th and I'm scared.I have had alot of complications resulting in several Surgeries and a total gastrectomy.

I'm still having pain so they are going to attempt to do this lap no promissses though.I'm just a wreack and I can't stop crying.I've had so many surgeries and the recovery times have been so hard. Any words of wisdom from those who may have been here before?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Renee S

Brenda R.
on 9/11/08 9:39 pm - Portage, IN
Topic: RE: To La*****t to Lap
Nancy, I originally went to the doctor to see about Lap Band. I had several co-morbidities and most of all the diabetes was really bad. I was taking 5 shots a day and then went to a pump. I had to use the U500 insulin which is 5 times stronger than the U100. I was using a lot of that too. I was also taking the oral meds 2 times a day. My wls doctor told me that he would rather me have the rny instead of the lap band. It really scared me so it took me a long time to decide. He told me that if I had the lap band it would take me about 2 years to get off insulin because the weight comes off slower. He said that if I had the rny he would have me off insulin in 9 months. I decided to go with the rny and have never regretted it. I was off the oral meds 1 month prior to surgery and off insulin completely 1 week before my surgery and have never had anything since.

The weight loss is slower with the lap band but you lose more for a longer period of time. The rny you lose more faster but then it slows down a lot 9-14 months out of surgery. My wls said that he sees more 9 months than 14. I have slowed down from about 10 pounds a month to about 5 pounds a month and I am 11 months out of surgery.

The choice of which surgery you have is a decision that only you can make. I would weigh the co-morbidities and the severity of them also. Talk over with you wls surgeon or nurse any questions that you have. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 9/8/08 10:29 am - Underwood, MN
Topic: RE: Just checking in
Well I went to my first visit with my surgeon, social worker, two other doctors, a dietitian, physical therapist, and  a psyhcololgist. I tole them about my doubts and all my fears and they suggested I ahve the lapband. They called my PCP and she okayed it.  YEAH. I still have four more appointments with my dietitian, 2 years of medical records, and my psyh evalulation and I will get my surgery. My PCP has to write a letter to put in with my records just so they have somethng on file. I am so relieved. I feel at peace with the decision. Because of my mental illness they felt that the lapband would be better fro my becasue I can take ALL my meds. My anti-depressive meds is time release and I can take it with the lapband. I have to be more vigliant and care that I don't over eat because I can. I was told about all the risks involved. I ahve to go and see them once a month for a year and beyond. God was with me today. I believe I was having such a hard time with the ryn becasue it just wasn't His will for me. I just have to keep the faith and keep my eye on the light. I know the weight will be slower coming off but that's okay too. I see my counsler tommorrow about my evalulation and my new group. I will let you know how that goes. They were really happy I ahve made friends on this site and they are going to be training group leaders this weekend for Fergus Falls support group which is only 10 miles away. Thanks be to God. Love Always, Nancy
on 9/7/08 9:18 pm - Uniontown, PA
Topic: RE: Just checking in
I am so glad Nancy that you are participating in something you feel passionately about. You will get to meet some nice folks and they will encourage you along the way. Small steps ( I call them peep-peep steps) will lead you to your goal just as much as big strides. It just might take a little longer. Continue to ask God's direction in this decision. He will NEVER lead you down the wrong path. People can but He can't. Get involved in a good church and you will also find much encouragement there and remember there is this great Hymm and it stands true in congregations that love the Lord..."Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bidst me come to thee...Oh Lamb of God I come, I come" "Just as i am though tossed about, with many a conflict many a doubt, fightings with fear within ,without Oh Lamb of God I come, I come..." He promises us He will Never Leave thhe nor Forsake Thee...No great promises than that...Love ya friend... Patricia Have a great day!
on 9/7/08 8:40 am - Underwood, MN
Topic: RE: Just checking in
Hi Patricia

thanks for your kind words. I ahve prayed to God to guide me in this and He has led me to OBH and all the new  friends I ahve made. I consider that as a plus. I am not journaling my feelings yet---just journaling food and my eating habits----of which I have found a lot of bad habits which I am beginning to change. I am starting a new group on Thursday and I know they require journaling too so I am going to keep a journal of my emotional progress through this too. I am starting something I haven't done since 1972---I am going to work for electing Obama President. I was a peace loving hippie in 1972 with all the trimmings. I am going to be answering phones and making phone calls. This is a big step for me because I haven't been involved in anything for ten years---since I gained so much weight. I am changing and it is all because I started this journey in wls. I think God is telling me I have made the right decision. And tomorrow I will know even more. I am getting excited again. Thanks for being my friend!!! i will let you know how things go tommorrow.

Love Nancy
on 9/7/08 6:47 am - Uniontown, PA
Topic: RE: Just checking in
Hi Nancy: I am so sorry about your beloved Toby. I know how important pets are to many people and I know your loss is great.Hopefully, I am your fiend now and I must say that I am concerned because you started smoking again. I know how hard that was for you to do...start all over tomorrow is day 1. One day's mess up is not worth the entire ball of wax. Obese people often feel like they failed because of a slip...don't feel that way. You have done a great job in the weight dept. by losing the 14lbs. Congrats. Don't let your pcp put doubt in you desire for the WLS surgery. What frightens you about the WLS Surgery? I can tell you that you are still responsible to mainatin your good eating habits and good health practices.But, because of the restriction of the size of the pouch it will keep you from overeating. I see you are worried about ruining your health the WLS surgery you can have complications but, 99% of the people have such a great outcome and that should lend you encouragement. I was so excited before my surgery and now that I am 16 mos out I can tell you it has been the best thing I have done next to my dental implants to improve me and my health. Continue to talk to me and let me know how you are feeling. Have you made goals for yourself concerning WLS. Have you prayed about whether to go through with this? I asked God to stop me if it were not right for me and not His will...He did not. I journalled and let myself exam myself in the emotional department and that was an amazing journey...maybe you should try that...Let me know what scares you and how I can encourage you...Again I am soo sorry for you pain today and I appreciate all you are going through and the loneliness you feel because of thoughts and prayers are with you... Patricia
on 9/7/08 4:24 am - Underwood, MN
Topic: To La*****t to Lap
I have a question. Is having the lapband easier for some people to have than the gastric bypass? I am thinking about switching. My dotor would refer me for that one. 

Love, Nancy
on 9/7/08 4:21 am - Underwood, MN
Topic: RE: Just checking in
Hi Patricia,
I found the link on MY OH. I will visit more often. I have had a rough week. I was having doubts about if I can really do this surgery. I am not afraid of the actual surgery, I am worry about afterward. I am concerned about ruining my health by screwing things up. I have failed at so many things. The people on OFF have been real encouraging. Then I went to my PCP for my 3 month checkup and I have lost a total of 14 pounds since I started my new diet. Now she wants me to wait a year for the wls because I have done so good. Then on top of it all, I had to put my best friend {Toby my golden retriever} down on Saturday. I miss him so much. I started smoking again and I carbed my self silly yesterday. No sugar but bread and pasta.

I go see my surgeon for the first time tommorrow. Here's hoping my next week will be better.I'll keep in touch. I will post a question too.

Love, Nancy
on 9/4/08 9:16 am - Uniontown, PA
Topic: RE: Just checking in
At this point its just communicating back and forth I am trying to start and online chat time...So what's up? How are you and what would you like to share or talk about?  Patricia
on 9/4/08 2:33 am - Elkview, WV
Topic: RE: Just checking in



* Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.   
     I have reached my goal! Praying angel:9896
