Patricia's HOPE

I am Patricia Patton and I am a gastric bypass patient . My surgery was on April 23, 2007 and I have successfully lost 175 lbs. Now, I must tell you my road has been long and at times very difficult. At the unset of my journey I was determined to be a poster child for the gastric bypass surgery by doing all the right things before hand and successfully reaching my goal weight within a year.I did accomplish that. But,God had other plans... and that my journey would take me on an adventure that nothing in my life had mirrored. The waters that I treaded have been rough and wild at times but God was there with me in those rough waters. Instead of being  a poster child for the perfect scenerio, He made me a poster child for what you don't want to have happen to you after gastric bypass...sounds pretty scary but, don't be scared be encouraged...that is what I have set out to do with this support group. For every 100 success stories I hear there are stories and journeys that have been bumpy and more like a roller coaster ride...please know there is HOPE for I am living proof that there is nothing that can not be overcome. Attitude plays a huge role in this...recently a man I have come to admire and respect died of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Randy Pausch who caught the nations's attention with his video and book called  The Last Lecture" had an infectious positive attitude. He asked in his illness was he going to be an Eyore or a Tigger? We all have been around those Eyore's haven't we...leave them in the dust! Tigger's are infectious in their approach to my situation I can not or will not be bogged down with a "Whoa is me" attitide and I don't want those who read this blog to either...Life is precious...we live it once and the key word here is LIVE. Vegetating solves must fight back...there is nothing that you can not overcome and nothing is hopeless...if you lose Hope you have lost everything... Details on me are not important, I may share them down the road with you, but know through all of  this I embraced my life scripture verse more dearly and want to share it with you... Romans 8 :28, " And we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose..." The good that has transpired and transformed me in these past 16 months are innumerable and there is no price tag big enough for it. I have a deeper abiding faith, I am stronger person for it and it has made me a better nurse...I hope you will join this group and use me to lean on and let me try and encourage you through your rough times...I am here for you...Patricia

Location: Uniontown, PA 15401
Group Created: Aug 25, 2008
Leader: Patricia Patton
Members: 55
Total Posts: 14