Overlake Hospital Medical Center

Recent Posts

on 7/1/09 9:04 am - Bellevue, WA
Topic: RE: Overlake WLS Support Group 6/27/09
Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for posting this information.

I have a couple of other announcements:

The next support group on July 11th, there will be a film crew shooting on campus and they will want to shoot the support group. They will not film faces, but releases will be signed any way.

On August 22nd, bring your laptops, we will have Johnson and Johnson here to introduce us to an online journaling program that Overlake will be using for all their patients that have online access. It doesn't matter if you are an Overlake patient to be able to take advantage of this new
on line journaling program. So bring the lap top and lets learn something new.

on 6/30/09 11:31 am - Renton, WA
Topic: RE: Recipes for Soft Foods
Thank you Mary, I will certainly give your suggestions a try.  
on 6/30/09 4:14 am
Topic: RE: Recipes for Soft Foods
Hi Karen,
Here is a few soft food suggestions:
Blend up cottage cheese and put in warm tomatoes soup.  I like Trader Joes low sodium roasted red pepper and tomatoes soup for flavor over Campbells.

From support group.  Ricotta cheese with spaghetti sauce over the top then warm up and serve with a sprinkle of parason cheese.

If you haven't checked out www.ChefDave.com website you might want to.  There maybe a receipe posted.  I will try to remember to bring the books I got from there to the next meeting if you want to look at his suggestions.  

on 6/27/09 8:24 am - Renton, WA
Topic: Overlake WLS Support Group 6/27/09
This is a brief outline of what was discussed at the support group this morning.   

The main topic was The Dumping Syndrome.   We discussed what causes some people to dump.   The top culprit was sugar.  Fatty foods was in a close second, but it's different for every person.   If you have had a dumping episode be sure to make a post so that maybe you can help others avoid it. 

One person at the meeting told us of a innocent episode that happened to her that could have happened to anyone.   She went to a Starbucks to get her morning coffee and asked for it to be sugar free, but as people will do sometimes that request was ignored and she was sick for 3 hours just because the syrup used was not sugar free....I don't know of a way to stop this from happening if you can't see how it's made but you can make sure what you prepare isn't going to have some nasty little surprises in store for you.   Always read every label to make sure what ingredients you are or will be eating. 

We also discussed taking your own health into your hands, be your own advocate.   If you have questions, ask them.    Don't be afraid to question your doctor if you feel that what is said isn't right for you.   You know your body better than anyone.   It's your life and you have the right to take control of it....

Until next time happy and careful eating
Karen Hardy
on 6/23/09 12:31 pm - Renton, WA
Topic: Weight Loss Question
Hi, I had WLS almost exactly 3 weeks ago, I have lost weight but was just wondering how many calories a person has to consume in a day  for safe weight loss?  I've heard from a friend that it has to be at least 750, I don't think I get that many everyday.     I can ask my doctor on my next visit but was just wondering if anyone has had this topic come up before.    Thanks.
on 6/21/09 4:09 am - Renton, WA
Topic: Recipes for Soft Foods
Hi, does anyone have any recipes for the soft food stage of the WLS.   Everything I try is so bland and boring.  I only get a little to eat so I would like it to be tasty especially for breakfast....Thanks
on 6/4/09 2:39 am - Bellevue, WA
Topic: Chef Dave June Newsletter
Please follow this link to the June 2006 issue for great meals for the summer.
Chef Dave will be here in August for the OH event, he is a great guy and such a great chef...

http://www.chefdave.org/default/newsletters/SSFJUNE2009%20gr illed%20veg%20and%20fruit.pdf

Group Leader
