Overlake Hospital Medical Center

Recent Posts

on 5/26/10 1:07 am - Issaquah, WA
Topic: 5/22/10 Support Group - praise and musings
Wow, what a great turnout! I am so thankful for this group.

Regarding Sue Charles (the woman who led the group). I think we can do better. She seemed uncomfortable and inexperienced as a support group leader. In the past the group has expressed a preference for support vs the didactic (teaching) process. This does not appear to be her style. I was quite surprised she was asked to come in without having met Christina in person.  I was also concened she mentioned she was trying to establish her own praciice and brought business cards. Innapropriate to my way of thinking. I also think only allowing 30 minutes for open discussion is not okay. That is usually the most fruitful part of the meeting and creates great bonds within the group. That is my ..02 - your mileage may vary. Any other opinions?

I was thinking maybe when the group is that size we need to breakout into 2 groups when it comes time for sharing "hot topics". Makes it easier for everyone to be heard. I would be willing to lead one of the breakout groups when there is call for it.

on 8/8/09 11:42 am - Renton, WA
Topic: Overview of Bellevue Support Meeting 8/8/09
Hi everyone, here's a breakdown of what was discussed at today's group. 

We discussed quality of life before and after WLS.  How we look and feel about ourselves.   We did an activity sheet  where you chose how you feel about certain things, for example, How do you usually feel, the lowest being "I feel very bad about myself" and the highest being "I feel very good about my self".  Another one was The way I approach food is, the lowest being "I live to eat" and the highest being "I eat to live"  are you at one end or the other or maybe in between and do a little of both.   This was just a personal activity to see how you see yourself.   No one discussed their own findings.  How do you see yourself?

We also discussed the benefits of a mental health evaulation after WLS as well as before.  We all know that it's a requirement by most insurance companies to see a therapist prior to surgery but what about after surgery as our bodies and minds change.    What do you think?   Do you think that insurance should cover that or even require it?  Would you go to see a therapist after WLS if financially you could afford it or if insurance would pay for it?

Just a reminder that the Obesity Help Conference will be at the Weston Hotel in Seattle, Friday, 8/14/09 and Saturday, 8/15/09.  To find the different activties go to www.obestiyhelp.com and then click on Events (at the top of the page) and then click on View All Events (on the left side of the page).

Recently I listed 5 of the 21 most common mistakes we make after WLS.  Here are 5 more.

Assuming you are cured of obesity: It is commone for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some or all of their weight.   If you don't make peace with food, the scale, and your body, and change your lifestyle; regain is likely.

Grazing:  When you nibble small amounts frequently, calories add up fast.   Do your best to eat planned meals and snacks.  Remember, once you start grazing, the habit can grow and get out of hand.

Saying mean and heartless things to yourself:  No one ever improved by telling themselves they are stupid or a pig.   Negative self talk harms your self worth and breeds hopelessness.  Change what you say to yourself to see positive change.

Not eating the right amount of food:  When you under eat, you slow down your metabolism and burn fewer calories.  When you eat too much, you can stretch out your pouch, enlarge your stoma, and increase calorie consumption significantly. 

Drinking Alcohol:  Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram.  Some people, who never had a problem before, get addicted to alcohol after WLS.  This is called transfer addiction. 

More to come with the next post.   I'll talk to you soon.

Karen Hardy
on 7/23/09 1:20 am - Bellevue, WA
Topic: RE: Water exercise presentation at future support group meeting
They are speaking this Saturday at our support group.
on 7/20/09 10:17 am - Issaquah, WA
Topic: Water exercise presentation at future support group meeting
I wondered if a presentation on water exercise would be welcomed at a support group meeting? I was thinking get someone from the Bellevue Aquatic Center to come in. If not them, I could probably get someone from the pool I use in Issaquah.
on 7/12/09 7:32 am - Renton, WA
Topic: Review of Overlake Support Group Disscussion 7/11/09
Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to go over the discussion at the support group for those of you unable to attend.

There was a camera crew there yesterday shooting a video for the Weight Loss Surgery program at Overlake Hospital.   They were there for about the first 30 minutes of the group.   Karen Bauman went over the different types of surgeries and the benefits of each. 

We also discussed 21 different mistakes we make after WLS.   I will go over a few of them.  Karen will try to get a copy of the pamplet she has so I can put the whole list on the next discussion.  

Take care of yourself.  We always tend to take care of others we need to learn to also give ourselves some quality time.  

Remember to take your vitamins as directed.  Vitamins and supplements are especially needed after WLS.

Drinking with meals.   Don't do it.  It pushes the food through too quickly and will also cause you to be hungry sooner.

Not exercising regularly.   Remember the surgery is just a tool, you will need to also exercise and eat well to continue to lose weight.

Isolating.   Don't push everyone away.   You don't have to go through this journey alone or without help. 

  This is just a few on the list.   Hopefully I will put the entire 21 mistakes on this discussion soon.  

We would like to start an online chat.  I would like to know who else would be interested in joining in on the chat.  It would probably be every other Wednesday between 7:00 to 7:30 to start off.   Please respond to this discussion if you would be interested and I will let you know when we will begin.  


Karen Hardy
on 7/11/09 10:54 am - Issaquah, WA
Topic: Local food finds
Karen Baumann asked me to update everyone on good sources of post-op food for WLS in our area. Here is my current list - add to it if you have other suggestions!

salmon patties
turkey patties
9 percent lean ground beef chubs - nice fine ground goes down well
Premier Protien Shakes - 30 gms of protien for 11oz, tastes great, doesnt need refrigeration
Premier Protien Bars
Oberto Teriaki Turkey Jerkey - 10gms of protien per ounce
Protien Shots - orange or fruit punch, 12 for 20 dollars. Best price anywhere.
White Bean chicken chili (canned) - 18g protien per cup, low fat, tastes great!

Trader Joe's Nonfat Greek yogurt , plain- best price. I like mine with no sugar added peaches and a little Splenda. It also subs for sour cream, and if drained overnight in cheesecloth can double as a soft cheese spread. Also adds a spark and covers the taste of protien powders when blended.
Egg White Salad - comes in 3 flavors
best price on dozen eggs
uncured turkey dogs - low fat and without the nitrates and other chemicals some cant take

on 7/9/09 8:40 am - Bellevue, WA
Topic: RE: online OH chat for Overlake group
Hi all,
Just wanted to let everyone know that there will be a film crew filming the support group this weeknd. They will not show faces but will have everyone sign a release just in case. We will be doing some filming in the OR prior to the support group. Evidently the video is shaping up pretty well, this is to post on our website.

Yes and lets talk about online chat. I think if we have a fixed time every week that would be great and I can have the physicians step in for awhile for question and answers.

on 7/9/09 1:03 am - Issaquah, WA
Topic: RE: online OH chat for Overlake group
oh yeah, it is the 2nd Saturday this weekend. Thanks for the reminder. I cant be there at the end of the month, so good deal.
on 7/7/09 1:19 pm - Renton, WA
Topic: RE: online OH chat for Overlake group
Maybe if you are at this meeting this Saturday we can discuss the online chat, see if we can get more people involved.   Thanks.
on 7/1/09 12:45 pm - Issaquah, WA
Topic: online OH chat for Overlake group
Might I suggest setting a meeting time for online chat for this group? Would allow folks who missed the Sat group to catch up, say hi, get support and ask questions. It could be on the off weeks from the Sat group. Let me know how I can help.


Group Leader
