ObesityHelp UK and Ireland
op cancelled gutted
That is so miserable, no wonder you were feeling so poorly, you must be so disappointed.
I usually try not to use cliches, but think of all the years you have been overweight, and think that this op will be forever - waiting 4 weeks is the absolute pits, but its nothing in the grand scheme of the rest of your life. Use your time to do lots of reading on this site to get yourself nice and ready, take really good care of yourself starting now - you have to get used to putting yourself and your health first because you are the only one who can.
Hope you feel better really soon
I usually try not to use cliches, but think of all the years you have been overweight, and think that this op will be forever - waiting 4 weeks is the absolute pits, but its nothing in the grand scheme of the rest of your life. Use your time to do lots of reading on this site to get yourself nice and ready, take really good care of yourself starting now - you have to get used to putting yourself and your health first because you are the only one who can.
Hope you feel better really soon
hi,your so nice i thought i was ill because of the pre op diet lucky i went 4 a checkup because i had a cold i would have got all the way there and been turned away i live in suffolk go thats a long way ive cryed most of tday then thought try and look on the bright side not! itl give me a chance to get abit more weight off but ive got to be carefull if i lose to much over a stone they wont operate ive already lost 4 on the pre op and ive got to do it again ..how r u feeling?
That's such a shame. But as Binty says, it is only short time out of the rest of your life!
No wonder you weren't feeling well. Hope it clears up soon.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
How com you can't lose more than a stone I wonder. Anyhow it'll be nice to lose weight a little slower without the pressure being on so much. Can you imagine the disappointment if you were turned away on the day - it doesn't bear thinking about.
I know it probably seems really nosey, but would you consider going on the thread at the top of the board to tell us just a little bit more about yourself - I'm not being pushy (lol, some may disagree hahaha) but it can be really disconcerting not knowing at least a little, for instance I talk on these boards to people from teens to retirees, from students to professionals ....... but of course if you like the anonymity don't let me change your mind, I was just wondering :-)
I'm feeling really well - I'm going through the stage of absolutely everyone noticing my weight loss, when I take the kids to school in the mornings there are always comments and people looking me up and down. It partly gives me a massive boost of course, but there is also the part of me that still feels like the fat girl trying to hide from being looked at and I'm a little uncomfortable being the centre of attention - it'll be nice when it all dies down and I can disappear into being just normal slim old me - well thats the dream, lol!
I know it probably seems really nosey, but would you consider going on the thread at the top of the board to tell us just a little bit more about yourself - I'm not being pushy (lol, some may disagree hahaha) but it can be really disconcerting not knowing at least a little, for instance I talk on these boards to people from teens to retirees, from students to professionals ....... but of course if you like the anonymity don't let me change your mind, I was just wondering :-)
I'm feeling really well - I'm going through the stage of absolutely everyone noticing my weight loss, when I take the kids to school in the mornings there are always comments and people looking me up and down. It partly gives me a massive boost of course, but there is also the part of me that still feels like the fat girl trying to hide from being looked at and I'm a little uncomfortable being the centre of attention - it'll be nice when it all dies down and I can disappear into being just normal slim old me - well thats the dream, lol!

hi,im ne so i dont know what im doin on here.they wont let me lose more than 1 stone because of my bmi its 36.7 at moment since i had my daughter 17 yrs ago ive been fat slim and so on for 17 yrs but i cant keep it off and ive been fat now for 2 years and been out once socially wearas when im slim im out every other week its killing me im a size 20 and i know alot of people are bigger going for the gastric band but this weight is wrecking my life well i am my ankles swell up ive bad back pain and diebetes in the family i just feel so unwell all the time i have no confidence im single now and cant go out well i could but feel like crap all night i love fashionable clothes i dont like seeing people i havent seen in ages because i see the looks on there face (my god shes got fat)your doing so well i love to see the positive comments.