ObesityHelp UK and Ireland
What type of WLS education did your surgeon mandate?
Hi all!
So-one of my big "Things" (causes) has to do with getting educated and staying up on all things concerning weight loss surgery and staying healthy.
I didn't have my surgery in the UK, so obviously things will be different in some ways. Even so-in the US-things varied from state to state and surgeon to surgeon.
The place I went-my surgeon and staff required me to attend
1-psychiatrist meeting-at which time she prescribed 3 months of counseling. I was already in therapy! LOL!
12-Nutrition classes-2 hours each
12-Life after WLS classes-2 hours each
2 one-on-one meetings with the dietitian/nutritionist
AND-a test prior to my surgery to ensure I had an understanding of what would happen to me during and after surgery.
As I read-I am starting to see that many folks were not given much information. OR-they were given a big binder notebook with information but very little one-on-one with the surgeons and staff to get more information.
Can you tell me what your requirements were/are and how you feel about it?
My thought is that regardless of what was prescribed to us-going forward we absolutely MUST be our own best advocates. In the scheme of things/time-WLS is still a very NEW thing. We are learning new things every day about how our bodies react and change with our various surgeries.
MANY of our GPs are not really educated in WLS. As a matter of fact-my GP told me I am here ONLY bariatric patient. Oftentimes-I will do my research and bring it to her to show her what I require to stay healthy.
It can seem overwhelming-but I believe it is paramount that we take responsibility for our health and remember that many of our doctors just are not deeply schooled in this process. Certainly-our surgeons are and were-but many of us will go see our GPs as well throughout our lives.
Please share your thoughts and opinions!!
So-one of my big "Things" (causes) has to do with getting educated and staying up on all things concerning weight loss surgery and staying healthy.
I didn't have my surgery in the UK, so obviously things will be different in some ways. Even so-in the US-things varied from state to state and surgeon to surgeon.
The place I went-my surgeon and staff required me to attend
1-psychiatrist meeting-at which time she prescribed 3 months of counseling. I was already in therapy! LOL!
12-Nutrition classes-2 hours each
12-Life after WLS classes-2 hours each
2 one-on-one meetings with the dietitian/nutritionist
AND-a test prior to my surgery to ensure I had an understanding of what would happen to me during and after surgery.
As I read-I am starting to see that many folks were not given much information. OR-they were given a big binder notebook with information but very little one-on-one with the surgeons and staff to get more information.
Can you tell me what your requirements were/are and how you feel about it?
My thought is that regardless of what was prescribed to us-going forward we absolutely MUST be our own best advocates. In the scheme of things/time-WLS is still a very NEW thing. We are learning new things every day about how our bodies react and change with our various surgeries.
MANY of our GPs are not really educated in WLS. As a matter of fact-my GP told me I am here ONLY bariatric patient. Oftentimes-I will do my research and bring it to her to show her what I require to stay healthy.
It can seem overwhelming-but I believe it is paramount that we take responsibility for our health and remember that many of our doctors just are not deeply schooled in this process. Certainly-our surgeons are and were-but many of us will go see our GPs as well throughout our lives.
Please share your thoughts and opinions!!
Wow did you have alot of education... I also was done in the States (MD to be exact) and I got about a 1/12 of that...
I had to attend a seminar before the surgeon would meet with me...
I had one appointment with a psychologist to get an approval letter that I was a good candidate (insurance required).
I had one appointment with a nutritionist (my program also gives me free access to her for appointments for up to 18 months post op - I have not followed up with her)
I have a pre op class a week before surgery that read through the entire binder we were given in 4 hours...
I have access to the surgeon via phone or email whenever I want it. I have support meetings monthy I can attend that are sponsored by our surgeon.
I have the nurse that works directly with our surgeon during surgery as well as for aftercare - she is on OH all the time, she also answers emails and phone called round the clock... I love this woman to death - she is also an RNY patient of 7 years...
I have a great support group of friends from OH - we have a local MD board... some of us get together for lunch EVERY Friday - they are my sounding board, if I feel scared or insecure after them, I call the office and get real medical advice - that has only happened once however during my first few days after surgery...
I would love to hear what others got - and how they get their info...
I had to attend a seminar before the surgeon would meet with me...
I had one appointment with a psychologist to get an approval letter that I was a good candidate (insurance required).
I had one appointment with a nutritionist (my program also gives me free access to her for appointments for up to 18 months post op - I have not followed up with her)
I have a pre op class a week before surgery that read through the entire binder we were given in 4 hours...
I have access to the surgeon via phone or email whenever I want it. I have support meetings monthy I can attend that are sponsored by our surgeon.
I have the nurse that works directly with our surgeon during surgery as well as for aftercare - she is on OH all the time, she also answers emails and phone called round the clock... I love this woman to death - she is also an RNY patient of 7 years...
I have a great support group of friends from OH - we have a local MD board... some of us get together for lunch EVERY Friday - they are my sounding board, if I feel scared or insecure after them, I call the office and get real medical advice - that has only happened once however during my first few days after surgery...
I would love to hear what others got - and how they get their info...
Going private as I did, really means they want very little from you other than your money. I went for an initial consult - firstly with a lady who'd had the surgery but with no medical background, really she was a sales girl, but she was informative and spent time talking about the surgery types and how they can affect you.
I then went straight to see the surgeon, who pretty much just went through a more detailed explanation of the procedures and how and why they work. It was very informative and as I had done stacks of research, not to mention having considered it for years and years, it was really all I wanted. I hate those classes and things you have to go to, but I know not every does their homework, and I'm positive a lot of people would benefit - but I was very very glad I had no other requirements.
Although I have to say, the sales girl was really misleading about a few things - no surprise there. I asked her about vitamins and what I would need to take with rny. She told me I'd need to take a multivitamin but only in the same way anyone on a diet should and that I'd need a little extra calcium, but if I liked milk, a glass a day would sort that out!!! Hmmmmmm, a bit naughty, though I'm kinda glad tbh, because if she had told me I would be taking supplements 7 times a day in 2 hourly intervals I would have had really serious doubts. And although it is by far the worst part of all this for me, its funny what you get used to.
I then went straight to see the surgeon, who pretty much just went through a more detailed explanation of the procedures and how and why they work. It was very informative and as I had done stacks of research, not to mention having considered it for years and years, it was really all I wanted. I hate those classes and things you have to go to, but I know not every does their homework, and I'm positive a lot of people would benefit - but I was very very glad I had no other requirements.
Although I have to say, the sales girl was really misleading about a few things - no surprise there. I asked her about vitamins and what I would need to take with rny. She told me I'd need to take a multivitamin but only in the same way anyone on a diet should and that I'd need a little extra calcium, but if I liked milk, a glass a day would sort that out!!! Hmmmmmm, a bit naughty, though I'm kinda glad tbh, because if she had told me I would be taking supplements 7 times a day in 2 hourly intervals I would have had really serious doubts. And although it is by far the worst part of all this for me, its funny what you get used to.
afwc, It is mainly the surgeries which cause malabsorption (RNY and DS) which require lots of supplements. Band and VSG people can in theory get everything from their food as their bodies use everything they eat. But it can be hard to get enough of everything in on the small portions we eat. So most dieticians say at least a multi-vit every day. I actually also take calcium and chondriotin/glucosamine as well but that is because I am post-menopausal, not because i am banded.
DSers have to take the most supplements as they have a high level of malabsorption.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Indeed! I am glad that I did not feel the need for the more drastic surgeries but for those who feel that they are right for them, anything has to be better than the mortality risk of being (literally) morbidly obese! If I had been told that I needed to take all those with my band, it would have been a small price to pay for my health and quality of life.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
I went through a stage of hating it, but as will all things, it just becomes part of routine and you soon find ways of making happen. I have been advised by my surgeon to take 2 multi vits a day, and my dietician advised to also take calcium and iron - I decided to go with the american standards (asmbs), not because I necessarily think they are right but they advise more - and in for a penny in for a pound. Therefore I take:-
4 calcium 2000 mg of calcium in no more than 500mg a go, spread a minimum of 2 hours apart.
3 iron I can't remember the amounts off hand but these also have to be a min of 2 hours apart from each other and not within 2 hours of the calcium
2 multivits - as the multivits have iron in them, I tag these onto when I take the other iron which keeps them away from the calcium.
I also choose to take probiotics, because I've always had dodgy bowels and I've also seen a study which promotes these for post wls patients. Some people also advise biotin - but I just can't face any more right now, and I really should go and get a quarterly b12 jab, as per the asmbs advice.
4 calcium 2000 mg of calcium in no more than 500mg a go, spread a minimum of 2 hours apart.
3 iron I can't remember the amounts off hand but these also have to be a min of 2 hours apart from each other and not within 2 hours of the calcium
2 multivits - as the multivits have iron in them, I tag these onto when I take the other iron which keeps them away from the calcium.
I also choose to take probiotics, because I've always had dodgy bowels and I've also seen a study which promotes these for post wls patients. Some people also advise biotin - but I just can't face any more right now, and I really should go and get a quarterly b12 jab, as per the asmbs advice.
Discussion meeting with surgeon about wls
General health check by surgeon (at same time as above)
usual pre-anaesthetic checks (incl bloods etc)
1 meeting with dietician (had lots more but only the first one was seen as mandatory
Other than that - binder of info to read but I coudl phone / e mail dietician at any tiem to askf or elucidation!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Appointment with Consultant, then bariatric nurse. Saw anaesthetist a week before the op, then secretary who wanted the money!! Now having follow - up consultations on the NHS, which will save me a fortune.
Saw Consultant today with dietician for 14 week follow up. Everything good, but need to eat some fruit. How will I manage that? I simply can't eat or drink anything else unless someone feeds me in my sleep!!! lol. (Isn't it great that I can say this: Not only can't I eat more, I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANY MORE. Eccept when head hunger strikes...)
306 at op, 56 pounds down at 12 weeks, target 208. Life is good.
Saw Consultant today with dietician for 14 week follow up. Everything good, but need to eat some fruit. How will I manage that? I simply can't eat or drink anything else unless someone feeds me in my sleep!!! lol. (Isn't it great that I can say this: Not only can't I eat more, I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANY MORE. Eccept when head hunger strikes...)
306 at op, 56 pounds down at 12 weeks, target 208. Life is good.