ObesityHelp UK and Ireland
Visiting the UK...
Thanks for letting me join and post here! :)
I am Angie - I am 14 months post op. I am an American married to a Brit. I am 31 and come from Pennsylvania... Lee is 32 and is from York, but has been living in the US since we got married 11 years ago. (Oddly enough, we live in York, PA!)
I am planning to be in the UK for 3 weeks starting June 23rd and feel like I am coming out of my own depths with this trip... I am fine at home and on all inclusive vacations, but I feel like I will be eating out way to much there and not be able to customize my meals like I do in the US and at an all inclusive resort... Help! How do you guys eat out? I have been in the UK many times but this will be my first post op trip and the first time we will not be spending the majority of time at his parents and will be eating out almost daily...
We land in London and are spending two nights in the city before getting a train to Norwich and meeting up with my husbands family to spend 10 days on the Norfolk Broads. We then will head to York for a few days before we have to fly back to the states... Anyone have any thoughts on eating on the Broads? How kindly will pubs take to me asking for specifics and such? Here I often order a burger without the bun, no fries, substituting a veggie... can I do that there?
I will be bringing my own protein powders, jerky, etc. but am I going to be able to easily get bottled water? I never looked for it before - I admit, I was a diet coke addict! This was my biggest fear in having surgery, but for the past 21 months I have not drank ANYTHING carbonated... I broke the addiction and am afraid to find out what happens if I drink it now! :)
And then there is the issue of pain meds... Here we can only take Tylenol after RNY - no NS AIDS (not sure what I can take there...) I would love a paracetamol often, SOOO much stronger than anything over the counter here... luckily I have not needed anything yet...
I feel as though I am babbling! I will wait to see if anyone hangs out and can help me before I babble on more! Any advice would be great however!!
I am Angie - I am 14 months post op. I am an American married to a Brit. I am 31 and come from Pennsylvania... Lee is 32 and is from York, but has been living in the US since we got married 11 years ago. (Oddly enough, we live in York, PA!)
I am planning to be in the UK for 3 weeks starting June 23rd and feel like I am coming out of my own depths with this trip... I am fine at home and on all inclusive vacations, but I feel like I will be eating out way to much there and not be able to customize my meals like I do in the US and at an all inclusive resort... Help! How do you guys eat out? I have been in the UK many times but this will be my first post op trip and the first time we will not be spending the majority of time at his parents and will be eating out almost daily...
We land in London and are spending two nights in the city before getting a train to Norwich and meeting up with my husbands family to spend 10 days on the Norfolk Broads. We then will head to York for a few days before we have to fly back to the states... Anyone have any thoughts on eating on the Broads? How kindly will pubs take to me asking for specifics and such? Here I often order a burger without the bun, no fries, substituting a veggie... can I do that there?
I will be bringing my own protein powders, jerky, etc. but am I going to be able to easily get bottled water? I never looked for it before - I admit, I was a diet coke addict! This was my biggest fear in having surgery, but for the past 21 months I have not drank ANYTHING carbonated... I broke the addiction and am afraid to find out what happens if I drink it now! :)
And then there is the issue of pain meds... Here we can only take Tylenol after RNY - no NS AIDS (not sure what I can take there...) I would love a paracetamol often, SOOO much stronger than anything over the counter here... luckily I have not needed anything yet...

I feel as though I am babbling! I will wait to see if anyone hangs out and can help me before I babble on more! Any advice would be great however!!
First of all hiya, hope you have a nice time here - let me see what I can answer for you
When you're eating out, esp in pubs you should be fine to make requests - I would be inclined to tell them you have special dietary needs and I'm sure they will be obliging - most now have some healthy options. In Norfolk you should find plenty of fish on the menu, just be sure to check that it isn't battered and fried, if you see 'fish and chips' or 'cod and chips' that will be how it comes as it is a national fav that would send you into orbit! Usually if the fish is named you can assume it won't be battered unless it says so. Also plenty of chicken or prawn salads around.
Its a good idea to bring your own protein shakes, make sure you have enough because they aren't so easy to find here, and most of them are for body builders and not low enough in calories, however if you get stuck 'slimfast' is readily available and you can buy it pre made - its not as high in protein but not bad, but don't even consider the lemon meringue flavour it tastes like sweaty feet smell.
Bottled water, not a problem, plenty available in every shop. Also where you guys use crystal light we use squash, which is just a concentrated fruit liquid to add to your drinks, most these days seem to be sugar free but I would double check if you intend to use any.
Paracetamol is a great painkiller and cheap and readily available.
I can't think of anything else - but if you do, please ask or pm me - I would love to feel useful
When you're eating out, esp in pubs you should be fine to make requests - I would be inclined to tell them you have special dietary needs and I'm sure they will be obliging - most now have some healthy options. In Norfolk you should find plenty of fish on the menu, just be sure to check that it isn't battered and fried, if you see 'fish and chips' or 'cod and chips' that will be how it comes as it is a national fav that would send you into orbit! Usually if the fish is named you can assume it won't be battered unless it says so. Also plenty of chicken or prawn salads around.
Its a good idea to bring your own protein shakes, make sure you have enough because they aren't so easy to find here, and most of them are for body builders and not low enough in calories, however if you get stuck 'slimfast' is readily available and you can buy it pre made - its not as high in protein but not bad, but don't even consider the lemon meringue flavour it tastes like sweaty feet smell.
Bottled water, not a problem, plenty available in every shop. Also where you guys use crystal light we use squash, which is just a concentrated fruit liquid to add to your drinks, most these days seem to be sugar free but I would double check if you intend to use any.
Paracetamol is a great painkiller and cheap and readily available.
I can't think of anything else - but if you do, please ask or pm me - I would love to feel useful

I can't imagine any problem at all.
I have never used protein shakes or any sort of food replacement stuff but there are plenty on sale in all chemists (drug stores) and supermarkets. And I don't bother with bottled water - tap water is fine for me! But every supermarket, however small, will have shelves full of it!
I can't imagine any restaurant (other than chains like MacDonalds and I never eat there so can't swear to that either!) not fitting in with your requests. I eat out a lot and have never had the slightest problem. And the non-NSAID paracetomol is on sale everywhere.
I can't imagine you will have any issues! Three months post-op, I went camping and trekking in the Namib desert; all food cooked by a non-English speaking Namibian over a camp fire. No idea what I ate! If I can survive that (and I didn't have a single issue), you can survive the UK!
I spent a month in the US last October and apart from the continuous supply of fresh lobster in Maine ( a luxury here!!), food was very little different to the things I get here.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
I am an American living in the UK. My hubby is also a Brit and I moved here over a year ago now.
You will find things much the same. Products do tend to be a bit different. You will find MANY more vegitarian options here. That's the good news. And yes-most places are happy to alter your meal if you give them some notice.
Yes-they do have paracetamol here. They have it just by itself or you can get it with Codeine. That is something that is saved for serious pain, though.
There are many choices for foods. It just depends where you go. Wherever you are-there will be a shop called "Mark and Spencers" LOVE IT! They have big shops and small ones all over. They nearly always have some VERY nice foods. Fresh veg and fruit as well. You can always pop into one of those if needed for some decent food.
Have a wonderful time. I love it here and plan to stay. I will be doing my "Life in the UK" test next year-so that I have indefinate leave to remain.
Hugs and WELCOME!!
I am an American living in the UK. My hubby is also a Brit and I moved here over a year ago now.
You will find things much the same. Products do tend to be a bit different. You will find MANY more vegitarian options here. That's the good news. And yes-most places are happy to alter your meal if you give them some notice.
Yes-they do have paracetamol here. They have it just by itself or you can get it with Codeine. That is something that is saved for serious pain, though.
There are many choices for foods. It just depends where you go. Wherever you are-there will be a shop called "Mark and Spencers" LOVE IT! They have big shops and small ones all over. They nearly always have some VERY nice foods. Fresh veg and fruit as well. You can always pop into one of those if needed for some decent food.
Have a wonderful time. I love it here and plan to stay. I will be doing my "Life in the UK" test next year-so that I have indefinate leave to remain.
Hugs and WELCOME!!
Thanks guys!
You make me feel better! I knew there were WLS patients in the UK, but had no idea how well my dietary plans would be received... obviously eatting at a chippy won't be in my best interests - but I will have some leeway and supplies in the form of bars (that I would not touch at home, but in a desperate situation...) I will have my supply of crystal light as well - I don't know how you guys live without it there!! I bring a supply to one of my husband's best friends from uni every time we come - his family live for my trips! This is the one thing I don't think I could make it over there without - I HATE plain water! And I can't toss squash in my purse to go...
On that note - you guys get mushy peas, curly wurlys, heinz baked beans and of course Bird's custard that are not available in the states unless we have them imported...
I think I am ready to come over again! Knowing paracetamol is safe is a BIG thing - I have had it in the cupboard but have been afraid to take it... nothing here is nearly as strong!
If anyone wants anything here, I can ship once I get to the UK... LOL (we already have crystal light, Brooklyn Lager and shoes packed for people there!)
You make me feel better! I knew there were WLS patients in the UK, but had no idea how well my dietary plans would be received... obviously eatting at a chippy won't be in my best interests - but I will have some leeway and supplies in the form of bars (that I would not touch at home, but in a desperate situation...) I will have my supply of crystal light as well - I don't know how you guys live without it there!! I bring a supply to one of my husband's best friends from uni every time we come - his family live for my trips! This is the one thing I don't think I could make it over there without - I HATE plain water! And I can't toss squash in my purse to go...
On that note - you guys get mushy peas, curly wurlys, heinz baked beans and of course Bird's custard that are not available in the states unless we have them imported...
I think I am ready to come over again! Knowing paracetamol is safe is a BIG thing - I have had it in the cupboard but have been afraid to take it... nothing here is nearly as strong!
If anyone wants anything here, I can ship once I get to the UK... LOL (we already have crystal light, Brooklyn Lager and shoes packed for people there!)
We have to bring the extra suitcase... how else would we bring British essentials home? We actually (after 11 years) are finally done bringing my husband's "life" across from before we met... however we still need things that just cannot be imported into the USA any other way... aka John Smith's! LOL