Mental Health

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Teena A.
on 7/22/11 7:07 pm - Mesquite, TX
Topic: OT: Update on my need for Tricuspid valve replacement heart surgery
Per the Cardiac Surgeon I saw today for a second opinion, I do not need to have heart surgery at this time. 

My regurgitation is only moderate and I have no symptoms so at this time all we need to do is monitor my heart. 

In 4 mos they want to do another heart sono to check status.

If the regurgitation stays moderate and I get no symptoms no surgery will be needed. 

He said they only operate when there are symptoms and severe regurgitation.


Thank you all for your support and prayers.


Teena Adler

My blog:
Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 7/16/11 2:56 pm - Toms River, NJ
Topic: needed to vent!
I haven't being on in a while well my sister had another surgery 2 weeks ago her stomach was all infected again she now has a wound vac in her her incision is 81/2 deep 71/3 wide she is basically homebound until this heals because she had a lung transplant last year and is a diabetic this can take anywhere frim3-4 months to heal and I am her caregiver it is taking a lot out of me emotional and phiscally My neck procedure is now July 27 hopefully I can't take the pain anymore. Please say some prays for my sister gets on a road to recovery and I survive all of this I will be going for a fill in aug but I MUST find a way to relieve some of the stress I am under right now Please help THanks in advance
on 7/16/11 2:30 pm - WA
Topic: Any bi-polar post surgery people out there?
My therapist had/has all kinds of questions about how this surgery might affect me both right after and after healing. I take Lithium and have been stable for a while now. I feel like I have a realistic attitude, but we all know that can go out the door during a mood swing. I would appreciate any comments/experiences anyone would care to share. Thanks much!
on 7/15/11 3:02 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
Topic: RE: Wow, what a challenge I've Had...

sounds just awful and i'm sure it brought up a lot of stuff for you.  i'm sorry i wasn't here to answer your original post -- i was on vacation the week ending July 4th and have just been catching up with things!

i know it must be so hard to see your child in pain.  i can't imagine.  i'm glad the nurses were there for you, even if you freaked them out a little.  i think nurses rock!!

glad your pdoc is on the case re: your weepiness.  always good to have that support.

i'll be posting more -- trying to catch up!


  Ann             LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat           


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~Janis ~
on 7/12/11 3:27 am
Topic: RE: Going back to school and overwhelmed!
Hi Stephanie,

It is a few days after you posted but I wanted to respond.  Don't spread yourself too thin.  My suggestion would be to start out with just one or two courses.   It will be easier to focus on just a few classes and you can do great in them.  That way you will have a positive experience and that will give you the confidence to expand to full time.

Other than that, as hard as it is to do, you should try your best to do your assignments and reading as they are assigned and not wait until test time.  Last minute cramming will only add to your stress.  You don't mention your family or other commitments but make sure you put yourself first.  Set aside quiet time for studying and don't let others interrupt. 

Best wishes, Janis
on 7/7/11 12:49 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Topic: Going back to school and overwhelmed!
 I've been trying to go back to school for awhile now.  I am finally healthy enough physically and just worried about me mentally.  I am taking a full class load.  I am taking a couple of refresher courses.  I have a habit of starting the semester on a good note and then halfway through slack off leading to me having to drop the class. I don't want to do that anymore.  Anyone have any strategies for me?


Teena A.
on 7/1/11 4:34 am - Mesquite, TX
Topic: I Have To Have Heart Surgery - Found Out On June 29, 2011
If you want to know more about what is up with me go here:

This is my new blog that I started where the updated info about me will be.

You can also locate me on FB http://www.facebook/
Skyedancer4u if you are not already on my friends list.

Thank you.
Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 6/28/11 8:32 pm - MI
Topic: Wow, what a challenge I've Had...
My 12 yr old son just had reconstructive surgery on his left foot.  I stayed over night in the hospital with him last night.  We lost track of the pain meds and let his pain level escalate to the point he was crying.  I could barely hold it together.  Holding back the tears was extremely hard for me.  I have been getting weepy lately anyway.  [Dr. is aware]  Once he got morphine and fell asleep I lost it.  The nurses were concerned about me.  I finally pulled it together and got my 'mom strength' back.  I worry when he comes home that I won't be able to handle these situations.  I guess this is where some of those anti-anxiety meds come in handy.

Anyways, I just needed to write down my feelings.  Hope nobody minds that I journaled here.


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 6/24/11 12:07 am - MI
Topic: RE: Accountability - Week Two - How is your Weekend going?
good morning!

having a rough week emotionally.  been trying to journal as much as possible.  my food choices are getting better.  i think because i just feel better when i stick to the wls diet.

how is everyone else doing?


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 6/21/11 7:42 pm - MI
Topic: RE: Accountability - Week Two - How is your Weekend going?
Just checking in mid-week with everyone.  Does anyone have anything going on they need assistance with?  We are here to help!

I have been walking at the dog park without Leo.  I know, weird, but its a park and its exercise and there are dogs there!  Plus I get to update Leo's friends on his progress with his paw healing.

I have been eating a lot of eggs and not so good meat, like hotdogs, etc.  But I have lowered the carbs this week.  Its a slow process coming off of the carbs, but my goal is to be under 15 carbs per day by the end of this month.  Wish me luck!

Please, POST AWAY, we like seeing everyone's successes and obstacles.  That way we don't feel so alone in our journey....

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done
