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Mom of the Year Award, NOT

on 8/26/11 8:01 am - Indianapolis, IN
 I'm not winning any awards this year.  My son came home from football practice on Wednesday and said he jammed his fingers.  I looked at it and thought yeah it's bruised, but it's probably just jammed.  He went to school and then had a game on Thursday.  Luckily he didn't get to play.  After the game I look at his hand and it's twice as swollen and bruised than the night before.  He was crying because it hurt so badly.  I had made an appointment to have it checked out, but the doctor couldn't get him in until today at noon.  So we ended up taking him to the ER.  And what do you know?  He has three broken fingers!  They did xrays and then put him in a cast..  They referred him to a specialist because they called it a buckle fracture.  

When the doctor said they were broken I felt about an inch tall!!!  I didn't want to take him to the ER, I was going to make him wait until his doctor could see him.  What a terrible mom I am!!!!!!!!!!My poor baby has his first broken bones.

Stephanie E
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/11 9:50 am - Toronto, Canada
 Ah, sorry to hear about your son's fingers.  I hope they are healing well.  Don't be hard on yourself.  You did react when it became clear that the situation was getting worse and not better.  Mom's are only human, too, and sometimes we have so many things going on that we push something to the back burner in the hopes that it can fix itself.  Take care and be kind to yourself!