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Monday, Monday . . . one more time!

on 6/6/11 12:49 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
How's everyone's Monday??  Gotta say i hate monday's: getting up and going to work after a lovely weekend of sleeeeeeping (which is my all time favorite thing to do, which worries me a little, like is it a depression left-over??) and having to be a cheery supervisor of all the volunteers on my mental health helpline.  yuck.  at least it's sunny here in dc.  and it will be 97 by wed -- why do i live here???

let us know how you're doing!!!  (((((((monday hugs)))))))) to all!

  Ann             LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat           


LilySlim Weight loss tickers

on 6/7/11 9:41 pm - MI
Good Morning Ann,

Thank you for keeping the posts coming.  I appreciate it.  I know I am late on the response.  But you know how it can be when you get a bit overwhelmed.

I am continuing to attend my 'stress' center's day program.  My Dr. determined that I was more depressed lately and thought I needed the program to work out some issues I have been having.  Its a great program.  The morning consists of part education on mental illness, coping skills and then group therapy.  The afternoon contains more coping skills w/ an open discussion and some leisure time.  I usually listen to music and veg.  Its meant to put us in a good mindset before heading home.  This is certainly a better way of dealing with issues than the alternative treatment, which is inpatient care.  I hate that option!!!!

Has anyone else been through a Day Program?  Just wondering if the experience is the same....


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 6/8/11 12:52 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
dear boxermom -- i have indeed been in a couple of day programs and they are WAY better than the alternative.  the last time i was hospital (spring 2009) i was there for 10 days and then 5-6 weeks or so in day treatment, similar to your program and it really helped a lot in terms of  just calming me down and helping me get back to work in a better frame of mind than i left it (work was a major stressor in putting me in the hospital to begin with).

hope it goes well.  know how it is when you feel too blah to doing anything, including posting on a message board!  (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))

  Ann             LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat           


LilySlim Weight loss tickers

on 6/8/11 1:45 pm - Austin, TX
Wow. Someone is here. Wed is now almost over. Hasn't been a bad week but not a good week. I won't so much to get my brain on track. Good to hear some motivation. We all need motivation. We r in our second week of temps over 90. Had a feww over 100. Now come on team let's get motivated.
Wild One    
on 6/8/11 8:07 pm - MI
Dear FatMamma,

I am so happy to hear you are having a better week.  I saw your 'failure' post and I just wanted to say, do not beat yourself up about failing in the past.  You have today, right now, this hour, to succeed.  Take one step, one meal at a time.  That is all we can control right now.  Once you have experienced success, it will motivate you for the next meal.  I think planning a meal is good, I know, its not living in the now, but its responsible behavior to assist you with your goal.  I also don't say, I am gonna walk a half hour today.  I say, I am gonna walk as much as I can today.  Which is better than trying to reach a goal and giving up.  Start slow, you need to retrain your brain to adapt as much to habitual behavior, as you did with the non-compliant behavior. 

I hope you don't take this post as preaching, because I struggle with the same issues.  But, I tell myself I will do the best I can today.  Sometimes I don't do so great, sometimes I do a good job.  I take each success as a gift, because it really is hard work.  Try to stay positive, yeah yeah, easier said than done, because we are used to putting ourselves down.  But maybe try a short positive statement in the morning while looking in the mirror.  I say, you have lost 100 lbs and , you CAN DO THIS!  well, something like that anyway.

Best of luck, and check in often.  You can use this forum as a 'journal' of sorts.  Its important to put your feelings out there.  Then you can see what triggers you to make the wrong food decisions.  Which are very much feeling driven.  Lets see what you can do for yourself.  Make sure you plan something each day to do something you enjoy.  You need to take care of your mind and body, not just your body as they effect eachother.


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done
