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How was your day? Rant or Rave:

on 4/26/11 8:41 am - Murfreesboro, TN
My day?  Not as great as I would like for it to be.  There's been bad weather in my area, tornadoes and flooding.  I am stressed because I have to move at the end of May and my roommate and I have been bouncing back and forth about where to move.  Plus, I don't have the extra funds for the deposits, application fees, etc.  My depression fueled spending habits have created credit card bills that don't seem to be getting anywhere, even though I am trying to pay more than the minimum payment.
Carla M.
on 4/26/11 11:12 am
Pretty good day, I think. It went so quickly that I didnt have much time to really think about it. Stressed to my limit about money. Cat ended up in the hospital and has to stay for four days. Insane amount of money! $675-$750 for the vet bill! Trying to figure otu where I'm going to come up with that kind of money. I cut up all credit cards due to my bipolar. Not an option for me anymore. Pleading with vet for a payment plan isn't working either. Seems ridiculous to mme, but who am I? She didn't seem to care that I only make $875 a month on disability. Hmmm....Any suggestions? Sell a kidney maybe?
on 4/26/11 9:03 pm - MI
On April 26, 2011 at 6:12 PM Pacific Time, Carla M. wrote:
Pretty good day, I think. It went so quickly that I didnt have much time to really think about it. Stressed to my limit about money. Cat ended up in the hospital and has to stay for four days. Insane amount of money! $675-$750 for the vet bill! Trying to figure otu where I'm going to come up with that kind of money. I cut up all credit cards due to my bipolar. Not an option for me anymore. Pleading with vet for a payment plan isn't working either. Seems ridiculous to mme, but who am I? She didn't seem to care that I only make $875 a month on disability. Hmmm....Any suggestions? Sell a kidney maybe?
Hey Carla,

Don't you love when your day doesn't drag on???  Sounds like all of us are stressed about money.  In Detroit, its the talk of the town.  I am sorry to hear about your furry friend.  What is wrong with it?  Maybe you can contact your local cat rescue and ask them if they can help out?  If they can't maybe they have some suggestions about who to call.  If not, just tell the vet, hey, I can only pay X amount of dollars this wk/month, will this mean you will take my cat away?  work the guilt on em!

Its interesting to know that a lot of us with bi-polar have cut up our credit cards.  I have resorted to leaving my debit card at home when i go out too.  Spending is an issue for me too.

good luck with your cat!


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

Carla M.
on 4/27/11 8:34 am
Cat rescues ran out of money. Vet's office is the worst I've EVER encountered. It was an emergency and not his regular vet, so I took him to an unknown that was open. They told me that, if I couldn't pay when I came to pick him, they'd put him down. Crazy!!! Needless to say, I ended up at the pawn shop. Good thing I went to the one I did! I guess two people there had had the some terrible issues with the SAME vet! He told me to bring anything I wanted and they'd hold it indefinitely and he'd get to me where I needed to be. I took in some collectables and he had me call to see what the exact amount was going to be if I pulled him out today (a day early). He just kept asking, "How much are we at now?" He took care of me well. Got me enough to get him out of the crappy vet, to get him to MY vet, get gas in my car, and get my mom a small Mother's Day present! There really are some good people left in this world. I always tell my sister that things always manage to work themselves out. She doubts me sometimes, but it always does. I always joke that it's how you live your life. Good things only happen to those that live their lives the right way. Heck! Who knows what the right way is!!! At the same time, I have enough crap happen too, so I must not live it absolutely right! LOL!
on 4/26/11 8:48 pm, edited 4/26/11 8:49 pm - MI
Awww Naph!

I have been watching the Weather Channel and can't believe the destruction in the South.  You guys need a break for sure.  Will your roommate be moving with you for sure?  Maybe you can lean on them for the down payment and fees.  And make an agreement to pay like the next 3 months of rent in exchange?  Or research for apts that have move-in specials right now that will 'waive' security deposits, etc  It is definitely worth asking, what can they say?? People are desperate for customers these days!  Of course, there is always that sucky option of moving in with relatives temporarily, just to save up a little.

If you are on disability, can you take a part time job? Like maybe 20 hrs/wk?  just to supplement you for like $500 extra a month?  Maybe something enjoyable, like...oh come on, there is no JOB that's enjoyable!

Please don't let the worry control you,,, yeah yeah, I know, impossible.  But, worrying is like rocking in a chair, gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere....



ETA: I thought i read you were on disability, my mistake!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 4/26/11 9:13 pm - MI
hey all,

Sorry, I am a day late, but still here!  I am working a temp job and well, that has its share of stresses  But luckily, its Purchasing and I have 15 yrs experience in it.  I cannot find Permanent work in my area, so jumping from assignment to assignment is how I live now.  I told my psych that its really bad for me, as far as anxiety goes and he said he is working with his atty to get me approved for disability.  It wont be enough to meet the bills, but I need to think of my well being first.

We are being sued by another bank for some stupid reason, the seller of my house never paid off a credit card bill with his profits and they are coming after us??? well we retained a lawyer and that is bleeding us dry.  Our house is threatened by foreclosure, we are at least 2 pymts behind on each of our cars.  we have a 3K dollar water bill do to a leak we never knew of, and blah blah blah, you guys know the problems about finances....

so, i am on my 3rd wk of this temp job and i am happy to be making money.  i take xanax during the day to get by.  I hope its enough, but i see my dr this saturday and maybe he can suggest something.

have a great day!
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

Carla M.
on 4/26/11 10:33 pm
Hey BM!

Wow! Money really is everyone's stress! Have you looked into getting help with your water bill or house payment? We have something here in Ohio called Community Action that will help pay water, electric, gas, and even a house payment. Something to think about. There's also LegalAide for those that can't afford attorneys. That's in every state. You can even have them pick it up in the middle of a case.

I understand bills and being on disability. I am really glad to know how the system works well enough to make my income work for me. Food stamps, Medicaid, case management to help with spenddowns, etc. I also signed up for Section 8 housing at the same time I was applying for disability. I got my disability in 1 yr and 3 months. I got section 8 after 3 and a half yrs. Thank goodness though! I was bled dry!

Good luck with everything! Ill be adding everyone to my prayer list!

Oh, my cat had a blockage from a kidney stone. He couldn't pee basically, but if it goes for 24 hrs he could've died. Selling some of my more valuable collectables. Hate to do it, but  a life is always more precious than things. 